Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, thinkin' 'bout Supernatural.

First off, love this quote from Kripke: "..create characters you love, and then torture them!"
I think he and I are kindred spirits. Heh.

Secondly, WTF? Okay, so demons can't cross salt lines. Gotcha. So, salt in front of the windows and doors. Gotcha. But come on, Demons! BREAK DOWN THE WALL! Hello? Do any of you have an IQ over 60? I know that you do coz you can come up with some really evil schemes! Yet none of you think of this?
Years later Demon Dean (this is of course if Dean stays in hell - like I know he won't - and becomes a demon) will have a bulk of demons with him (as they have in season three - you noticed yeah? all the bulk demons? like thirty at a time, yeah?) and they will all be pacing outside of the hunter's cabin (Supernatural Hunter and not a Deer and Wildlife Hunter) and Demon Dean will stop and say "Hey, guys! I know how these hunters think. After all I was one myself" and enter bulk demon laughter "and they don't salt around the walls. we should just break down the wall. Easy as pie. Hmm. I like pie."

Also have you noticed burning is like their automatic response? Salt and burning, that is.
"Uh, Sammy?"
"yeah Dean?"
"What are we fighting and how do we kill it?"
"I have no idea."
"Salt and burn?"
"Sure. And if that doesn't work, silver?"
"Sounds good, Sammy."
"And if the silver doesn't work-"
"Dude, if salt and burning and silver won't do anything then the thing is unkillable."
"But the Djinn and Vamp-"
"Fine! We'll salt and burn and if that doesn't work then we'll cut off it's head with a very sharp silver blade dipped in lamb blood which I apparently carry large amounts in the car for just those occasions."
"And then there was the zombie and trickster and of course the changelings and wendigo and-"
"Alright! I get it!"

I do love stories that are about that [the fact that human's can be evil as well]. Then there is John angst of "why didn't I tell them stranger danger?" Hah. Imagine John telling them, "Stranger danger."
"Now Dean, Sammy. Listen up. A Wendigo can only be killed with fire. And I'm not smart enough to figure out that a flare gun is ideal for this. Also, there is a way to tell if a human is possessed or if it's the demon's form. I shall not tell you this so that Bobby can yell at you as you are exorcising Meg later on in your life. In which Bobby will still not tell you. He will also wait for Sammy here to get possessed by ex-Meg before he gives you charms to keep you from being possessed. Stranger Danger. Another thing, Dean, 100 thousand volts will kill a rawhead. You should also have it at that setting as you step into water, oh and the rock salt shot guns don't work on Thought Forms. Oh. And there is a thing called a Trickster. Now forget I told you so that Bobby can tell you what it is while you guys get to look like idiots searching for a slow dancing alien. By the By. Vampires? Real. Why're you laughing, Dean? Yes, vampires are real. And of course unicorns shoot rainbows out their asses."

And there was this one fanfiction I read where John got a talkin' too. It
was the best talkin' too John's probably ever gotten. Probably the only Talkin' to since Mary died. Yeah? Coz I figure she did her share of, "I don't care if you work all day, don't you think that watching over an overhyper Dean and being pregnant with another and having to do all the house work is easier than what you do? You know it isn't so pick a broom once in a while you asshat!"
"...I see that there are no mood swings this pregnancy, huh?"
"Oh? So, you've noticed? I do love how you notice these things. It is really wonderful. You are a wonderful husband and father. I love you so much."

Until Next Time


Morgan the Muse said...

Doode, I just read that whole thing, and did not understand a single word.Groovy.

Pretend Heist said...

XD I didn't think you would. You haven't seen Supernatural. Which is sad coz I'm love with that show.