Thursday, September 4, 2008

And the Fire Grew

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. I'm posting again. This makes Untamed Imagination more lively than some of my other blogs out there. That sounds really bad doesn't it? Anywho...I've got a playlist of music that I need to add to my blog somewhere but I don't know how! I need to ask someone. Then you can enjoy my music whilst you read my blog. Fun stuff, huh?

So. Work was alright. We ran late coz we didn't have a house keeper, the residents took forever to eat their food, and we had extra dishes coz it was soup night. So. I guess work did kinda suck. And I did it all with a slight headache that didn't go away and I had to mop. I hate mopping. 'Course I always mop when I work that shift, but still... I had to pass trays which I usually don't do and it's something I don't like to do. So that sucked.

But right now I'm watching some Digimon on youtube. It's the part where they find out that Kari is the eigth digidestined and that Gatomon is her digimon. I love Gatomon. She rocks. Anywhom. When I get offline I am debating on what to watch. Thinking Kyle XY or Psych. Maybe Supernatural. But then if I watch Psych or SPN what episode am I going to watch? I have no idea. Or what about Boston Legal? Or the Pretender? Oh the decisions.

OOH! NOES! Wizardmon is dying! He rocks too! He was great friends with Gatomon and just rocked himself! But freakin' schweet! Gatomon digivolved into Angewomon! *music notes* Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon. Champions of the Digital World!

Back to what I was saying, I think I might go with Kyle XY. Haven't watched that in a while.

(and yes, I am aware that I am going to be labeled with dork or something coz I'm watching Digimon) So...I don't really know what to say. Oh. I think I'll post some of my original stories on here. Maybe even my favorite fanfiction too. What say you all? Not that there are many of you reading this or anything, but still. Still.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

I am sorry. when I subscribed to your blog, I expected some big "HUZZAH! Sara Posted a new blog!" or something. You know, because, I am me.

Wizardmon, FTW!