Wednesday, September 17, 2008

D - Pixie Sticks

So, today Morgan stopped by. We talked for a while. The longest IRL talk I've had with her in forever. I mean it. It was nice. Fun too. Nice seein' her. It's always nice to see friends.

My knee and ankle started hurting today. And my ear started again (I haven't been to the doctors yet - so sue me). In fact, my ankle hurts right now. Not so much fun. My beta sprained her ankle. Seems like it's her first. If I sprained my ankle again, it would be far from my first.

The other day I got a post card from Nati. It was a nice surprise. I miss Nati. For those who don't know, Nati is an exchange student from Italy. She was over here when I was in my second year in highschool. So, it's been a while since I've seen her.

Lets see... Other than that? I have no idea what is going on. Oh!

Morgan gave me a Muse CD. Made me very happy. Thanks Morgan!

Okay, something about me that not all of you may know (but Morgan knows): I never wear matching socks.
So this morning I'm puttin' on my socks and my dad looks at them and asks, "Do you ever grab two socks that match and go oeeh. Then put one of them back down?"
My reply, my fast reply, without hesitation, was, "Yes."
True as toast. What I tell you is true. Except for the lies.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

Too true. I can imagine that conversation, too.

And where on earth do you actually say "It's only a Flesh Wound"? Your tags are too bizzare man.

Anyway, did you get to listen to it yet?