Friday, September 12, 2008


Ah! Evilness is happening right now. Stupid RAIN!

The rain and whatnot is messing up the satilledishthing and Murder?...Anyone?...Anyone?...Bueller? is messing up and not letting me watch it! The evilness of all evils! I hate this. I really wanted to see this episode again.

Freakin' pissin' me off! Why would they do this to me? I mean, I know I've seen it before, but still.

Oh, now the televsion is working. It's a commercial. One for the new episode of Psych. That makes me happy. Love Psych. Heh. I'm sure you've noticed. It's a Psych Day! w00t!

I feel better now. I've yelled a bit and now the show is working again and I'll be able to watch the rest of the episode *knocks on wood*. Really, where did that saying come from? I understand where some other sayings came from but not this one. Any ideas? Do share.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

It came from that scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail... you know the one. ;)

Actually, I can think of about five scenes from that movie that could explain that, and none of them well.