Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dreamless Escape

So, I've decided to have a blog. I've had a few before and they tended to die within a few days. Hopefully Untamed Imagination will put my others to shame. What made me really decide to get a blog is my friend mentioned she joined this site and decided that was the last peice of evidence I needed to get me to get a blog. See, before I had been toying with the idea of getting a blog. And now I've got one. Special, huh?

So, I am going to try and keep this active. No promises though.

Right about now I'm listening to the Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog soundtrack. Coz it rocks like that. Many thanks to moi friend for telling me 'bout Dr. Horrible. Erm... And honestly, I've had uhh. 60? oz of water (okay, it was two bottles of water, however many oz that is) and a soda today so lots of trips towards the bathroom and whatnot. See, I drink ze water at work.

I am a dishwasher. (sarcasm)Such fun.(/sarcasm) And today is a double shift. And I wasn't even supposed to work this morning! All the people who worked this morning in the kitchen was not supposed to work that shift to begin with! Imagine that. So, get up early. Do dishes for hours. Go home. Go back to work. Not that much fun. I can tell you that. And I mean. It's just. Ugh! I have no words to describe it I guess. I dunno. Maybe I do if I think about it some.

*adopts newscaster voice* In other news my car is no longer running. Sources say that the piston in the engine is shot. So, I am needing to buy a new car. The plan is to have one that outlasts my previous two. And because of this sudden event the plan to buy a laptop is on hold.

Slight note: been feeling slightly depressed lately. But hopefully that'll go away, right? Right?

In another direction: I'm sleepy. But I have to go back to work soon so, no nap for me.

Puppy (my nickname fer my nephew) started school! So proud of him. He's five now! And since his birthday he's been so sad and randomly asks why we changed his name. Of course we didn't change it. It's just that he says "You've changed my name from four to five. I used to be called four and now I'm called five." Freaking Adorkable!

Been rereading Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. Love it. Morbid facination. That's what it is. True as toast.

Well. I think I'm off fer now. I may post again someday. Possibly later today. It's true. Also true is that I might never come here again. Though, like I said, I am going to try and do this blog-thing.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

Well, I suppose I will have to bombard you with comments in return. At least, we will read eachother's blogs.