Monday, September 8, 2008

Drowing In My Thoughts

So. It's Monday. The one day that starts with a Mo. Loverly isn't it?

I. Well... I don't know. I feel. I'm not sure how. Nothing really happened or anything. I'm just. Sorta. ...

Anyway. Watched The Big Bang Theory tonight. First time seein' it. Normally we've got to watch Deal Or No Deal coz Dad is a freak 'bout that show. He loves it. Weird. So, he was a town council tonight and mom and I was able to watch what we wanted. We found TBBT and laughed before the opening credits. Twice. We laughed twice. So, we watched it.

Very amusing show. Tonight Sheldon (?) got sick and so his friends where in hiding because he is such a baby. It was actually pretty funny. I laughed a lot. I made a comment about them acting 'gay' and mom said it was 'a show about two gay guys living together who are acting like geeks'. We laughed over that for a while.

You see, my dad doesn't like people who act 'gay' and the other day I explained to him that some of those 'gay guys' are metrosexual. Then I had to explain what metrosexual ment. Then he revised his opinion. He doesn't mind gay guys, just guys who act 'gay'. So the comment about the show being about undercover gay guys had double meaning for us. Does that make sense? I hope so.

And if I tell my dad about that line 'bout the show being 'bout two 'gay guys acting like geeks' he would actually think the show was about two gay guys living together who are acting like geeks. But whatever.

The point is, I liked the show. I haven't watched it before because 1)never knew when it was on 2)watched American Gladiators when it was still on 3)when American Gladiators isn't on Dad has to watch Deal or No Deal. But I may just have to try and watch this show more often. Yeah?

Hmm. What else? I'm not sure. What else do you want from me? Coz yer not getting my flying sharks.

Oh! Got some of Supernatural season three. Totally freakin' awesome! And And And sadly, only one new episode left of Psych. And only two of Burn Notice! How freakin' awful is that? I mean, s'okay that Burn Notice is not new anymore. I can deal with that. Good show, but not my favorite (that would be SPN and Psych) but still good. I wouldn't be watching new BN 'cept that moi sis TiVo's it or whatever the crap she has that records it like that.

Julie, Ashley and I are talkin' 'bout having a 'Pumpkin Party' coz we all like pumpkin food. Though being as it's only three of us it's more of a 'Pumpkin Gathering' but come on, that doesn't sound as spiffy now does it?

And which sounds better to you? 'Psych Night' or 'Burn Notice Night'? Say them allowed and tell me. Julie and I agree that 'Psych Night' sounds better but my sister thinks that 'Burn Notice Night' does. This could be because Julie and I like Psych better and Jenni seems to like Burn Notice better. So, we're bias. Thus I ask you, the reader. Which is better?

Until Next Time


Morgan the Muse said...

Psych Night as a better alliteration.

Uhm... I do not like pumpkins, but I like to destroy them, like that kid in Willie Wonka in that room full of edible stuff. You know what I mean?

I posted a blog specifically just for you, by the way.

You had never seen Big Bang Theory? I thought that was right up your alley. And, no, they are not gay. Sheldon seems to be asexual, or rather, unsexual. And the short one whose name escapes me, he is in love with one of the chicks across the way. By the way, did you notice the elevator?
Oh, and they short guy with the big nose, he is my favorite.

And... I think that is all...

Morgan the Muse said...

Oh, um, I just found this (I am still a new user, I have new user woot! moments) If you go to the edit layout, get a gadget, then click on Fun and Games, one of the gadgets is a Post Secret thing, which is that book you have, right? With the postcards that people decorate and say some secret annonymously? Yeah, they have something with that. THought of you.

Pretend Heist said...

Ooh. Yeah. I hadn't seen the show before. And I know that they aren't gay, and I did notice that Sheldon was probably asexual. Which is probably another word I'd have to explain to my dad. And yeah, I also noticed the elevator. Does it ever work?

Yeah, Post Secret. I don't actaully have the books, Julie does, but I'll have to check that out. Love Post Secret.

Morgan the Muse said...

The elevator is a lie. Just like the cake.