Monday, September 29, 2008

And other Hits Part One


This means you all get to read 'bout the exciting trip to the college campus.

I went with ze local community college to go to a large univserity type college campus where we ran around like chickens with their head cut off. Fun stuff!

So in ze morning I hung out with Chris und La Recia! But o' Morgan too as she gave me a ride as I didn't have a car (Oops! *adopts newscaster voice* In the news a few days ago I got a new to me car. A blue '92 Oldsmobile for only 800$.) and that was fun.

So hung out with them and did fun stuff like get on ze computer and eat paper. True True True. Excpet for the lies. Then we set out on a bus! But not like a school bus but like a BusBus!

Morgan und I talked on ze way up there coz Recia was all like, "Ooh. I have a tiny thingy that has music on it." We talked like we used too. I say this coz we hadn't seen or talked IRL for like. Months. Sorta. Basically. Anywho, it was fun. Convo went all over the place! Though I quoted Izzard a lot.

Then we went to the Natural Science Musuem!
Where we saw a really big fish! And a baby version of this really big and scary fish! Man this fish was so freakin' scary. When it opens it's mouth it created a vaccuum thingy and everything gets sucked into it's jaw boned mouth!

And then the fish wanted to eat Recia and Morgan helped it out by knocking her out. Sadly not via chloroform!

And then Morgan and I had a nice argument over which was better. Wigwams or Teepees. I vote fer wigwams coz they're spiffy. Think 'bout it. They're huge and you can draw on them and teepees move 'bout and a small gust o' wind will make it fall down! You agree with me yes?

And this one girl was like, "What's a cattail?" and Recia and I shared a look coz cat tails (not the ones on cats - but the plants) are very common 'round here.

Then Recia, Morgan and I went to see the birds!


*adopts newscaster voice* Stay tuned for part two of this hit miniseries.

Until Next Time

Christmas 2008

So, I was gonna go and watch some television over at moi sisters coz she wanted me too but mom's like, "Yer dad's in a mood" and man was he! I mean he was PMSing way more than I do. And all I wanted was to eat coz I've been hungry. Though I think that phase of this week is over now coz I'm not hungry. Anywho. I really wanted breakfast!

Back to the topic? I was recruited to de-stem some elderberries! (sarcasm)So much fun!(/sarcasm) Why do we need to de-stem elderberries you ask? Well coz I have a winery in my basement and we make elderberry wine. See? Exactly. (I don't know what I'm 'exactlying' I just am exactlying. 'kay?)

After a bit of doin' this father came and helped and we actually got through it fastish. Though he came after breakfast (that's right, breakfast! What I wanted!) I made french toast and scrambled eggs. It was very good. And now we're out of eggs.

Aren't they prutty? I know. And they're tiny! See? See? Though after I took my radio outside and we listened to some of my CD's it really wasn't bad.
It was a rather decent family outing. Heh. We were just out on our pourch, but still, an outing to be sure.

So yeah. This is what I had done today. Exciting, yeah? And then I went right upstairs to ze computer and wrote this here blog postage. Nice, no?

Until Next Time

Let the Sound Take You Away

Okay. I'm sure you all are wondering what the hell happened to me and my surprisingly active blog.

The answer?

I didn't have any internet.

Yeah. It really is amainzing how not having internet kills your blog time. True as toast.

So, anywho. Let me fill ya in on a few things? Yeah?

Well, our phones went all freakin' out and thus our 'net did as well. Coz they're kinda tied together and whatnot. So we had no phones and no 'net. Well, the day before moi birthday (Sept. 24th) we got the phones to work. Well, sorta. It was really crappy.

So I wake up on my birth to the day and low and behold we didn't have 'net still so I watched some television. Not too far into this watching of mine the TV started going all liney and evil. It just decided to stop working. It told me, "Hey, I know it's yer birthday and all but I'm gonna make it even worse than no phones or 'net!" and enter it's evil maniacal laughter.

So mom and I went to Wally World and we bought a new TV. Though it wouldn't fit in the car. And we would have to wait 'til father got off work to go and get it.

That evening my friends and I went out (Julie, Ashley, and moi sister) and ate at this fanfreakentastic place. Dude, homemade food! And pie! Freakin' PIE!

Then we were going to see 'Ghostworld' but that isn't playin' 'round here (incohrent angry mumbling) so we saw 'Burn after Reading' which was a good flick as far as flicks go.

Alrighty dighty. Last night father fixed the 'net and made me a happy scamper. That's right! Scamper!

But fer moi birth to the day I got Botson Legal Season Four on DVD from my parents, an ass load of jewlery from my sister, Ashely gave me a 15$ gift card to Starbucks (didja know that there was a Starbuck in Target? only 'bout 45 min drive away while the other one I know of it more like 1 1/2 hours) and Julie gave me a shirt that says 'Salt and Burn' which I freakin' LOVE!

Salt and Burn baby!

Yeah. That's 'bout it fer now. I'll be back later with other thingys to say!

Until Next Time

Thursday, September 18, 2008


So. Last night my mom and I went on a walk 'round town. Small town the walk doesn't take very long. But it was just past nine when we left. We walked by my sister's house and mom was like, "you wanna freak her out?" my reply of course was, "sure."

So we went towards her living room windows and mom tapped on one of them and then we ran to the other side of the house. Then she tapped on that window. Then back to where we began and mom scratched her nails against the glass. JenJen then turned on her pourch light. We hid around the side of the house and giggled a bit. Mom then did the scratching thing again and then stuck her tongue out showing her face through the window.

Jenni came out talking on her phone to Randy (her fiancee or however you spell that - he is a trucker so he's out of town a lot) and she was like, "It's just Mom and Sara."

So we talked for a bit after that, Jenni said that Randy asked why she called him and not our dad coz dude, dad is a block and half away. At this point mom and I both say - and at the same time literally, "Your mom and Sara just left on a walk." coz that is what he would say.

*adopts newscaster voice* In other news today, I will be seeing Recia tomorrow and last time I saw her we decided that we would make CDs for one another. Sources say that I have made her fourteen tonight so that I can give them to her tomorrow. These bands are David Cook, Everclear, Dresden Dolls, Voltaire, Muse, Flogging Molly, Tegan and Sara, Michael Buble, Hurt, Jack Johnson, Marcy Playground, Steppin' In It, Cake, and a Mix.

Until Next Time


I've got my very own Super Heroes! And I keep them in my purse. That way when I need them, I've got them there to save me. Meet Advil Man and his sidekick Benadryl Boy (see picture below, I made it in paint)! They fight off the villianous Dr. Allergy and Mr. Migraine (see picture below, also made in paint)!

You see, Advil Man met his sidekick when they were put in the same purse. This caused them to join forces and save my day over and over again. As far as Dr. Allergy and Mr. Migraine, well, they joined forces after I started getting Migraines. As, I've had Allergies all my life. But after Dr. Allergy teamed up with Mr. Migraine, Dr. Allergy decided I need more Allergies and took some tips from Mr. Migraine. How fiendish, eh?

These extra Allergies and massive Migraines cause Advil Man and Benadryl Boy work even harder when saving my day. But they do always save the day. Though sometimes I've gotta help them by taking a nap. Heh.

Until Next Time

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

D - Pixie Sticks

So, today Morgan stopped by. We talked for a while. The longest IRL talk I've had with her in forever. I mean it. It was nice. Fun too. Nice seein' her. It's always nice to see friends.

My knee and ankle started hurting today. And my ear started again (I haven't been to the doctors yet - so sue me). In fact, my ankle hurts right now. Not so much fun. My beta sprained her ankle. Seems like it's her first. If I sprained my ankle again, it would be far from my first.

The other day I got a post card from Nati. It was a nice surprise. I miss Nati. For those who don't know, Nati is an exchange student from Italy. She was over here when I was in my second year in highschool. So, it's been a while since I've seen her.

Lets see... Other than that? I have no idea what is going on. Oh!

Morgan gave me a Muse CD. Made me very happy. Thanks Morgan!

Okay, something about me that not all of you may know (but Morgan knows): I never wear matching socks.
So this morning I'm puttin' on my socks and my dad looks at them and asks, "Do you ever grab two socks that match and go oeeh. Then put one of them back down?"
My reply, my fast reply, without hesitation, was, "Yes."
True as toast. What I tell you is true. Except for the lies.

Until Next Time

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Living with a middle-aged boy wonder

If you want to see the pictures larger, click on them.

Until Next Time


So. I went shopping today. Clothes shopping. Which for those who don't know, taking me clothes shopping is like pulling teeth. Generally I hate it. I do not like to go clothes shopping so when I'm actually in the mood to do so, I go. But I wasn't in the mood. I was in the car with my mom and she said we were going to Khols. I grumbled slightly.

But I got out the store with a new pair of pants and a freakin' schweet new shirt. It's black and it's got a fake tie on the front and a vest thingy attached to it. Now, for those who don't know, I love ties. I have many (oh so very many) ties. I do not know how many I have and I would hate to count them. So, I found this shirt very ironic n' all. Coz it's got a fake tie on it! Love!

Anywho. Watched House M.D. tonight. Great show. Freakin' scary ending! Spoilier alert for those who watch House. Wilson said that he was leaving the hospital coz he's not nor has ever been friends with House. And Wilson is House's only friend. I was shocked. And it rememinded me of this one really weird Shassie fanfic I read. Which isn't written well and the plot is completely weird. But it's the same concept. The best friend saying he doesn't think they had ever been friends. That it was all a lie. And I like House n' Wilson. I even like their pairing. I am sad.

And on another note, I had missed the summer finale of Psych coz of the all the rain and clouds (my sister's satiltedishthing kept being mean and not working) and so I figure I'll just watch it at coz they do have full episodes there, yeah? Wrong! For some reason unknown to me, they haven't posted it there for us to watch! Sure, we can watch other episodes, but not that one! Why? Why would they do this too me? It seems like that episode would be a great Shassie one too! I've got an audio clip of Shawn tellin' Lassie-face "grab life by the little Lassieters!", "I am vibing like crazy! Can we screw protocol and get the hell out of here?!", "You are so sexy right now!" I want to see that!

*adopts newscaster voice* In the news today I have decided I need to get a life. Maybe yours. In related news my flying sharks are hungry and I know that they'd love to help me get your life.

OohKay. That was creepy, yeah?

Until Next Time


So, thinkin' 'bout Supernatural.

First off, love this quote from Kripke: "..create characters you love, and then torture them!"
I think he and I are kindred spirits. Heh.

Secondly, WTF? Okay, so demons can't cross salt lines. Gotcha. So, salt in front of the windows and doors. Gotcha. But come on, Demons! BREAK DOWN THE WALL! Hello? Do any of you have an IQ over 60? I know that you do coz you can come up with some really evil schemes! Yet none of you think of this?
Years later Demon Dean (this is of course if Dean stays in hell - like I know he won't - and becomes a demon) will have a bulk of demons with him (as they have in season three - you noticed yeah? all the bulk demons? like thirty at a time, yeah?) and they will all be pacing outside of the hunter's cabin (Supernatural Hunter and not a Deer and Wildlife Hunter) and Demon Dean will stop and say "Hey, guys! I know how these hunters think. After all I was one myself" and enter bulk demon laughter "and they don't salt around the walls. we should just break down the wall. Easy as pie. Hmm. I like pie."

Also have you noticed burning is like their automatic response? Salt and burning, that is.
"Uh, Sammy?"
"yeah Dean?"
"What are we fighting and how do we kill it?"
"I have no idea."
"Salt and burn?"
"Sure. And if that doesn't work, silver?"
"Sounds good, Sammy."
"And if the silver doesn't work-"
"Dude, if salt and burning and silver won't do anything then the thing is unkillable."
"But the Djinn and Vamp-"
"Fine! We'll salt and burn and if that doesn't work then we'll cut off it's head with a very sharp silver blade dipped in lamb blood which I apparently carry large amounts in the car for just those occasions."
"And then there was the zombie and trickster and of course the changelings and wendigo and-"
"Alright! I get it!"

I do love stories that are about that [the fact that human's can be evil as well]. Then there is John angst of "why didn't I tell them stranger danger?" Hah. Imagine John telling them, "Stranger danger."
"Now Dean, Sammy. Listen up. A Wendigo can only be killed with fire. And I'm not smart enough to figure out that a flare gun is ideal for this. Also, there is a way to tell if a human is possessed or if it's the demon's form. I shall not tell you this so that Bobby can yell at you as you are exorcising Meg later on in your life. In which Bobby will still not tell you. He will also wait for Sammy here to get possessed by ex-Meg before he gives you charms to keep you from being possessed. Stranger Danger. Another thing, Dean, 100 thousand volts will kill a rawhead. You should also have it at that setting as you step into water, oh and the rock salt shot guns don't work on Thought Forms. Oh. And there is a thing called a Trickster. Now forget I told you so that Bobby can tell you what it is while you guys get to look like idiots searching for a slow dancing alien. By the By. Vampires? Real. Why're you laughing, Dean? Yes, vampires are real. And of course unicorns shoot rainbows out their asses."

And there was this one fanfiction I read where John got a talkin' too. It
was the best talkin' too John's probably ever gotten. Probably the only Talkin' to since Mary died. Yeah? Coz I figure she did her share of, "I don't care if you work all day, don't you think that watching over an overhyper Dean and being pregnant with another and having to do all the house work is easier than what you do? You know it isn't so pick a broom once in a while you asshat!"
"...I see that there are no mood swings this pregnancy, huh?"
"Oh? So, you've noticed? I do love how you notice these things. It is really wonderful. You are a wonderful husband and father. I love you so much."

Until Next Time

Friday, September 12, 2008


So, I know that you are all wondering what I ended up watching. I watched How To Steal A Million a movie staring Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole. Good movie.

But right now I'm watchin John Doe on Which is a lot like meaning veoh got it's videos from hulu and it is basically hulu. But yay! John Doe! Sadly, they don't have the piolet or all of the season. But eh, it's missing three (?) episodes altogether. So, that's not bad at all!

Stupid show isn't out on DVD so I haven't been able to watch it since 2002. Six years ago! That's a long time, yeah?

So, I'm excited.

Until Next Time

If Tiger Woods Can Do It, Then Peter Pan Can Too

I didn't get much more of the episode watched before the television went evil again.

So, I will probably go home and do nothing. Maybe do a bit on the interent. Maybe watch my DVD's of Psych. Read/write psych fanfiction. Who knows?

Or maybe do some Supernatural stuff?

Or something else? I'm not sure. But I'll do something! Oh yeah!

Until Next Time


Ah! Evilness is happening right now. Stupid RAIN!

The rain and whatnot is messing up the satilledishthing and Murder?...Anyone?...Anyone?...Bueller? is messing up and not letting me watch it! The evilness of all evils! I hate this. I really wanted to see this episode again.

Freakin' pissin' me off! Why would they do this to me? I mean, I know I've seen it before, but still.

Oh, now the televsion is working. It's a commercial. One for the new episode of Psych. That makes me happy. Love Psych. Heh. I'm sure you've noticed. It's a Psych Day! w00t!

I feel better now. I've yelled a bit and now the show is working again and I'll be able to watch the rest of the episode *knocks on wood*. Really, where did that saying come from? I understand where some other sayings came from but not this one. Any ideas? Do share.

Until Next Time

Hungry Hungry Hippos

So, yesterday Pup was half hour late gettin' off the bus. Turns out one of the boys on the bus had a sezuire and fell down the stairs of the bus. Ambulance came and everything. Well, I am honestly glad that ambulance came, y'know?

The thing is Puppy has a few cysts in his brain. This makes all of us very (oh so very) paranoid whenever he hits his head. See, for those of you who don't know, Pup was almost four months premature and we're actually lucky that the cysts are the only thing we need to worry about. It could be a lot worse. So, I guess that is good. And really, he could go his whole life without any problems, but still. Paranoid.

I'm watching the Psych marathon at my sister's house right now (I don't get the USA channel). Currently they're showing American Duos and I watched that one the other day. But up next is Murder?...Anyone?...Anyone?... Bueller? Which is from season three and is not on DVD thus I do not have it.

Heather is staying the night tonight. We'll be going over to my sister's 'round 9 o'clock to watch the summer finale (so sad - a finale!) of Psych. Gus Walks Into a Bank. Gus it taken hostage! And Shawn has to save him. It sounds like a really good one.

I may be back and do another post during Psy vs. Psy which is one I watched...yesterday? The day before yesterday? The Day After Tomorrow? Heh. Sorry. I had to do that. Good episode though. What am I saying? They're all good! Heh.

Until Next Time

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

D - Ris

So, I had a dream last night.

Wanna hear 'bout it? I know you do.

So, in my dream I sprain my ankle. For those of you who don't know... I have had so many of these I have lost count of how many sprain ankles I've had. So, in my dream I got a sprain anckle and I couldn't go into work in the morning. I woke up and my ankle did actually hurt. So when I when into work (8am-1pm) I put on my ankle brace. Then I went to work and my ear starting hurting and breathing. I have chronic ear infections. Not fun. I think I might have to go into the doctor soon-ish. I dunno. Might just ignore it. I tend to do that too. Heh.

So, today was the first day I picked up Puppy at his bus stop. He seemed real excited. Then we went for a walk and stopped at the park. He played while Jenni and I talked. We glanced over at him once and saw him just outside the playground area with his pants down. He had to pee. So, that's what he was doing. So his ass is facing us while John rides by on his bicyle. He gets full view of my nephew in all his glory. Or something like that.

Hm. What else? Just found a new musican. Jason Mraz. He's more mellow. Just lettin' y'all know. Coz I like a wide varity of music. So, lettin' ya know which type he is. Y'know?

Freakin' watched America's Got Talent. Neil E. Boyd was awesome tonight. 'Course he always is. Queen Emily needs to get back to the bluesy stuff. And hopefully next week Eli Mattson will be on. Eli is my favorite. And Neil. Both of them are the best. Trust me. Or look them up. Or do both. Heh.

Mom made me pick Elderberries today. For wine. Fun stuff. I didn't want to go. But I went. And I didn't complain that much. Listened to my MP3 player and used the scissors to cut the stemmythings so that I could put the large bussel of berries in the sack.

Until Next Time

Monday, September 8, 2008

Drowing In My Thoughts

So. It's Monday. The one day that starts with a Mo. Loverly isn't it?

I. Well... I don't know. I feel. I'm not sure how. Nothing really happened or anything. I'm just. Sorta. ...

Anyway. Watched The Big Bang Theory tonight. First time seein' it. Normally we've got to watch Deal Or No Deal coz Dad is a freak 'bout that show. He loves it. Weird. So, he was a town council tonight and mom and I was able to watch what we wanted. We found TBBT and laughed before the opening credits. Twice. We laughed twice. So, we watched it.

Very amusing show. Tonight Sheldon (?) got sick and so his friends where in hiding because he is such a baby. It was actually pretty funny. I laughed a lot. I made a comment about them acting 'gay' and mom said it was 'a show about two gay guys living together who are acting like geeks'. We laughed over that for a while.

You see, my dad doesn't like people who act 'gay' and the other day I explained to him that some of those 'gay guys' are metrosexual. Then I had to explain what metrosexual ment. Then he revised his opinion. He doesn't mind gay guys, just guys who act 'gay'. So the comment about the show being about undercover gay guys had double meaning for us. Does that make sense? I hope so.

And if I tell my dad about that line 'bout the show being 'bout two 'gay guys acting like geeks' he would actually think the show was about two gay guys living together who are acting like geeks. But whatever.

The point is, I liked the show. I haven't watched it before because 1)never knew when it was on 2)watched American Gladiators when it was still on 3)when American Gladiators isn't on Dad has to watch Deal or No Deal. But I may just have to try and watch this show more often. Yeah?

Hmm. What else? I'm not sure. What else do you want from me? Coz yer not getting my flying sharks.

Oh! Got some of Supernatural season three. Totally freakin' awesome! And And And sadly, only one new episode left of Psych. And only two of Burn Notice! How freakin' awful is that? I mean, s'okay that Burn Notice is not new anymore. I can deal with that. Good show, but not my favorite (that would be SPN and Psych) but still good. I wouldn't be watching new BN 'cept that moi sis TiVo's it or whatever the crap she has that records it like that.

Julie, Ashley and I are talkin' 'bout having a 'Pumpkin Party' coz we all like pumpkin food. Though being as it's only three of us it's more of a 'Pumpkin Gathering' but come on, that doesn't sound as spiffy now does it?

And which sounds better to you? 'Psych Night' or 'Burn Notice Night'? Say them allowed and tell me. Julie and I agree that 'Psych Night' sounds better but my sister thinks that 'Burn Notice Night' does. This could be because Julie and I like Psych better and Jenni seems to like Burn Notice better. So, we're bias. Thus I ask you, the reader. Which is better?

Until Next Time

Friday, September 5, 2008

Darkness' Embrace

Okay. Based off a true event in my life. It is also a Psych fanfic but I posting the orignal version of it. Enjoy.

I stared down at all the blood, swallowing dryly. There is so much more than there should be. The deep red liquid just seems to keep pouring out of me, faster than it should. This is not good, I think idly to myself as I stumbled into the next room.

I close my heavy eyes, I may not last much longer. Not after a wound like this. But there is always hope, or at least that's what I have always thought. That's what always kept me happy. Hope. I hoped I would be able to keep my wits about long enough to find help. My sister is near by. I'm sure. She had to be near. She was waiting for me.

Did she need my help? I can't remember, my mind is beginning to get foggy. Never a good sign. I look down again, the blood was still coming at an unusual rate. Ah, great. My hands have now started trembling. I really need my sister's help. Although who knew how she would act around the excess amount of blood.

Yes, the blood. I stumble a few more steps, then leaned against the unforgiving desk. The wound is burning. It hurts like none other I had ever had before. Which surprises me a bit, because I felt so far gone that I shouldn't have felt anything anymore. But as I take a deep breath, I am reminded of the pain that can be felt. It is still there, radiating from the wound.

In all honesty, I hadn't expected to get a wound like this. Not at that time anyway. I had thought I was being decently careful, but it seemed as if I hadn't. And the pain had actually started before the excessive bleeding. Just didn't seem right. Not in the least.

I mumble something to myself, not quite sure what I've said as I slide down the side of the desk to where I am suddenly sitting on the floor. My glass eyes look around the room one last time. I am feeling cold now. And I know need to get help. The blood loss is just too much. I am suddenly no longer sitting on the floor, but laying on it. When did that happen? I shake my head, trying to clear the fog, but it seems to be no good.

I take a shaky and painful breath, calling out my sister's name. Where is my trusty sister? I want to see a friendly face right now. Even if I can't see it very well, I still needed to see it. But it is not coming into view. Oh well, I just can't stand the pain anymore. I close my eyes and give into darkness' embrace and take my last brea-

"What are you doing?"

I can hear the sneer in her voice as I open my eyes and sigh, "You just ruined my very dramatic death." I state.

My sister rolls her eyes at me, "Grow up. It's just a silly paper cut."


Until Next Time

Little Less Conversation, Little More Action Please

*adopts newscaster voice* In the news today, my elbow is bothering me. Does this mean I've been on the computer too much lately? Sources suggest that I have not been as much as I used to be so the reason for the pain in my elbow is undetermined. In related news, I would love to have the Shiny New Australia Chair.

Until Next Time

Regular Joe

Orignal story time! Though, I have also made this into a fanfic for Supernatural. I perfer the orginal story, so that's the one I'm posting. Do enjoy.

I felt a smile tug at my lips as I opened the door into the shop. The aroma hit my nose, causing my mouth to water. Licking my lips I ignored the bell that announced my presence. My whole body was aquiver from just the thought of what I was going to get. I nodded to the people nearest me, knowing they shared the same addiction as I had. And I needed my fix now. My mouth felt dry, thinking about how long it had been since I last had some. Hours. It had been hours. Or was it a day? Oh god, I hope it wasn't a day. I felt my smile grow wider as I got closer to the counter of shop. My body needed it, I knew my sister could tell. Whenever I hadn't had any in a while, I tended to get moody.

I noticed that my sister smiled as she went through the door. Despite the fact that she wasn't as addicted to the drink as I am, she still craved it. When she didn't get any she didn't really change. For her it was just something she enjoyed. She didn't need it. Though she could see how my body seemed to tremble with the need. Luckily we were in the store and I would get my fix soon. Thank god.

I walked up to the smooth counter surface and smiled to the girl across from me. Her reddish brown hair with natural blonde highlights was pulled back in a pony tail, her earrings just gold studs which accented her lightly tanned skin and ice blue eyes, "May I help you?"

Giving a crooked smile I replied, "I'd like some coffee."

She nodded, "What kind would you like?"

I blinked. What kind? "Uh. Coffee."

She rolled her eyes, "What kind of coffee do you want?"

The hell was she talking about? "I just want plain coffee."

"What?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Coffee, y'know. Uh. Comes from coffee beans. I kinda thought that you guys would sell it here ‘cause, y’know, this is a coffee shop." I was getting aggravated. Why were they hoarding all the coffee? I wanted his coffee. No, I needed my coffee.

"Yeah, this is a coffee shop," she was starting to sound annoyed, "Now if you would only tell me what kind you want-"

"Coffee!" I said, wondering what the girl's problem was, "I just want some coffee!"

"I get that, but what kind?!" She was meeting my tone of voice, not backing down.

"I just want coffee! Plain coffee. Should be simple enough for you to get."

"I don't know what you're talking about," The girl sighed, "Just please, tell me what kind of coffee you want."

My sister choose this moment to put in her order, "Miss? I'd like white chocolate mocha frappuccino with non-fat milk and no whip."

The girl smiled, "That sounds easy enough. Be right up."

I gaped. What the hell just happened? And what the hell did she just order? I didn't hear the word 'coffee' at all. I turned towards my sister, staring at her. I shook my head, unable to wrap around the fact that this 'coffee shop' didn't sell coffee. That was false advertising.

The girl came back and handed my sister her concoction, then turned back to me, smile gone, "Have you decided what you want yet?"

"Yeah, I want coffee," I stated again.

She spoke with strain in her voice, "It's like I've been saying, if you'd only tell me what kind you want I can get you your coffee."

"I want coffee. Just coffee," I spoke slowly.

"What kind-"

"Can you get me your manager?" I suggested.

She smiled, probably glad to pawn the inane customer off, "Sure. Give me a sec."

My sister sipped her white chocolate mocha frappuccino with non-fat milk and no whip with a slight smirk. Shaking her head, she leaned against the counter, probably thinking it could be a while before I got what he wanted.

Before long a middle aged man came up. His hair a plain brown and needed a cut, eyes sunken in and dark against pale skin, "Ashley tells me that you have a problem. May I try my best to help you with it?"

"Want to know what my problem is? Ashley won't give me any coffee," I stated.

"I'll get you your coffee," the man smiled, "What kind would you like?"

I sighed, "Coffee. Just plain black coffee."

The man's smiled faded, "What?"

"God, you people don't sell coffee here do you?" I needed my coffee now, or I'd go nuts, "I want black coffee. That's it."

Swallowing, the man nodded, "I'm sure I can get some of that. What kind of black coffee do you want?"

"What?" My voice low.

"We've got Brazil ipanema, breakfast blend, Guatemala antigua, house blend, terraza blend, Arabian, sulawesi, and Italian roast. They are our most popular."

"Coffee. I want. Plain. Black. Regular. Coffee." I replied, I felt my fingers curl into fists at my sides.

Apparently my sister also noted my hands and decided she'd better get me out of there before something regrettable happened, "Hey," she put a hand on my shoulder, "how about we go to a restaurant and I get you your plain black regular coffee." She kept her voice light, not wanting to push me over the edge, after all, I got moody when I didn't have my coffee.

I nodded and turned my back on the man, "Why does this place call itself a coffee shop?" I muttered under my breath as I made my way out to the street, "All I wanted was a regular cup of joe."


Until Next Time


So. I'm drinking the last of the coffee right now. Good stuff, coffee is. Coz I like my coffee like I like my men. Covered in bees!

Pup stayed the night last night. His mom had to be at work at five thirty in the morning. Right now he's at school. He is so cute. Though he wouldn't give me a goodnight hug and kiss. Er. He gave me the hug but not the kiss. Said I didn't need one. But he went to sleep pretty well. Which is good.

So, I knowt hat you all are hanging off the edge of your seat to find out what I watched last night (okay, I doubt you are but you'd better be hanging onto your seat right now or I'm gonna send my flying sharks after you!). Kyle XY.

I am now going to review the first two episodes of Kyle XY (as it is the only two I watched yesterday).
Ah! He is so freakin' adorkable! Matt Dallas (?) plays Kyle (?) and he does so well at it. He plays the innocent boy who has no memories perfectly! Some of the acting in the show seems to be over done a but, but none of his. And when I look at his stomach with no bellybutton I have no idea what to think. That is one freakin' weird looking stomache.
Anywho, It is a good show. I am hooked after first episode (I know this because it is one of the shows I used to watch on television).

Enter naked boy covered in a clear goo who has no memory of anything (doesn't know how to talk or eat or use the bathroom or anything) who woke up in a forest all by his lonesome. Boy gets up and goes walking into the city. Arrested by cops coz he's all naked!goo and then go to a detentiontypecenter where he learns to eat and go to the bathroom. Lucky him!

Doctor lady takes a look at him and takes him home with her! Not that weird coz she realized that he shouldn't be in that detentiontypecenter. Find out he's got this freakin' awesome IQ. Learned to talk in one day.

Episode two is that he is having trouble sleeping. Meaning he hasn't actually slept in like ten days. So try and get him to sleep. While he's up all night he learns some karate-type moves and chinese (?) while watching some show on the television. Freakin' schweet.

Good show. You should check it out. You few people who read my blog.

Slashability? I don't really see any that I would agree too. It doesn't have that great of slashability if you ask me. But then, that's me. Maybe Kyle!Declan. I don't know. I may have to get back to you on that.

True, True, True. Except for the lies.

So, tonight I'm gonna go over to moi sister's house and watch some Psych. She gets the USA network and I do not. I'm lookin' forward to seein' this episode. Jules goes undercover and whatnot. It looks like it'll be a great episode. What am I saying? Psych is only good episodes.

I am very excited coz on the RPG I'm in people have posted! Yayness.

See how good I am at posting on this blog so far? I know. Really good, yeah?

Until Next Time

Thursday, September 4, 2008

And the Fire Grew

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. I'm posting again. This makes Untamed Imagination more lively than some of my other blogs out there. That sounds really bad doesn't it? Anywho...I've got a playlist of music that I need to add to my blog somewhere but I don't know how! I need to ask someone. Then you can enjoy my music whilst you read my blog. Fun stuff, huh?

So. Work was alright. We ran late coz we didn't have a house keeper, the residents took forever to eat their food, and we had extra dishes coz it was soup night. So. I guess work did kinda suck. And I did it all with a slight headache that didn't go away and I had to mop. I hate mopping. 'Course I always mop when I work that shift, but still... I had to pass trays which I usually don't do and it's something I don't like to do. So that sucked.

But right now I'm watching some Digimon on youtube. It's the part where they find out that Kari is the eigth digidestined and that Gatomon is her digimon. I love Gatomon. She rocks. Anywhom. When I get offline I am debating on what to watch. Thinking Kyle XY or Psych. Maybe Supernatural. But then if I watch Psych or SPN what episode am I going to watch? I have no idea. Or what about Boston Legal? Or the Pretender? Oh the decisions.

OOH! NOES! Wizardmon is dying! He rocks too! He was great friends with Gatomon and just rocked himself! But freakin' schweet! Gatomon digivolved into Angewomon! *music notes* Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon. Champions of the Digital World!

Back to what I was saying, I think I might go with Kyle XY. Haven't watched that in a while.

(and yes, I am aware that I am going to be labeled with dork or something coz I'm watching Digimon) So...I don't really know what to say. Oh. I think I'll post some of my original stories on here. Maybe even my favorite fanfiction too. What say you all? Not that there are many of you reading this or anything, but still. Still.

Until Next Time

Dreamless Escape

So, I've decided to have a blog. I've had a few before and they tended to die within a few days. Hopefully Untamed Imagination will put my others to shame. What made me really decide to get a blog is my friend mentioned she joined this site and decided that was the last peice of evidence I needed to get me to get a blog. See, before I had been toying with the idea of getting a blog. And now I've got one. Special, huh?

So, I am going to try and keep this active. No promises though.

Right about now I'm listening to the Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog soundtrack. Coz it rocks like that. Many thanks to moi friend for telling me 'bout Dr. Horrible. Erm... And honestly, I've had uhh. 60? oz of water (okay, it was two bottles of water, however many oz that is) and a soda today so lots of trips towards the bathroom and whatnot. See, I drink ze water at work.

I am a dishwasher. (sarcasm)Such fun.(/sarcasm) And today is a double shift. And I wasn't even supposed to work this morning! All the people who worked this morning in the kitchen was not supposed to work that shift to begin with! Imagine that. So, get up early. Do dishes for hours. Go home. Go back to work. Not that much fun. I can tell you that. And I mean. It's just. Ugh! I have no words to describe it I guess. I dunno. Maybe I do if I think about it some.

*adopts newscaster voice* In other news my car is no longer running. Sources say that the piston in the engine is shot. So, I am needing to buy a new car. The plan is to have one that outlasts my previous two. And because of this sudden event the plan to buy a laptop is on hold.

Slight note: been feeling slightly depressed lately. But hopefully that'll go away, right? Right?

In another direction: I'm sleepy. But I have to go back to work soon so, no nap for me.

Puppy (my nickname fer my nephew) started school! So proud of him. He's five now! And since his birthday he's been so sad and randomly asks why we changed his name. Of course we didn't change it. It's just that he says "You've changed my name from four to five. I used to be called four and now I'm called five." Freaking Adorkable!

Been rereading Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. Love it. Morbid facination. That's what it is. True as toast.

Well. I think I'm off fer now. I may post again someday. Possibly later today. It's true. Also true is that I might never come here again. Though, like I said, I am going to try and do this blog-thing.

Until Next Time