Sunday, October 26, 2008

Where Psyche Meets Cupid

Schweet. That's all I've gotta say. Oh, and these few words and video that follow:

Stayed at Heathers. That was fun.
And no, Morgan, we did not watch Psych!

Then I went to Julie's and we went to Hobby Lobby! The best place EVER! Got some more of my Christmas shopping done. Proud of me? I usually do it in December. I'm bad 'bout that.

It's really windy out right now.

Anywho, then we went back to her place and watched some It's Always Sunny in Philipelphia! Day man/Fighter of the Night man/Champion of the sun/You’re a master of karate and friendship…for everyone/Day man, day man/Uhh ahhahh

"Did you just swerve so that we didn't hit the leaf?"
"...Leaves are dangerous! You never know what's under them! Nails! Could be nails!"

Und then I got hyper for no apparent reason.

Me, Julie, Ashley, Shelby and Zack went to a 'Haunted House' in Mt. Pleasant. Amusing. That's what it was. Amusing. Best part?
So this one scene we walk into a funeral home and one creppy looikin' guy is like, "Friends are family?"
Now, Julie is leading us and I"m second, but Julie says, "...Friends?"
"Friends? Friends good."
I reply, "I'm the one who killed him."
Just as I say this, the coffin opens and the guys alive!
I'm about to say 'Didn't do a good job though' when the creppy guy says "You didn't do a good job. That's alright. I'll fix that."

Worst part?
Being born again. Or climbing in someone's ass. Depending on who you asked.

So, the train that they had (we didn't go in it) had, apparently, Beetlejuice was on. But Shelby kept says "Goosebumps Train. I mean Beetlejuice Train."
But what was great? One time someone said, "Did you just say Jesus Train?"

Then we played Cranium in which my team won!

Then this other game whose name I forgot.

But you all agree that Hos are in uniform? Yes?

Just got done watching 'Yellow Fever' episode 4.06 of Supernatural.
It Rocked.
I'll show you how much it rocked.
Coz it rocked like this video. (Seriously. Watch it. Do it! Or Flying Sharks will eat you alive! Watch It!)

Until Next Time


Morgan the Muse said...

Dude, you know what is funny? I have went on the train, but not into the haunted house! I did not realise that is what you were talking about until that moment that I read that just now.

Being Born again?...

You guys are freaking weird.

Pretend Heist said...

Hah. How was the train?

Yeah, being born again (actually the words where "coming out of a vigina" but I though everyone would rather the other words). It's this area where it's just puffy black stuff and you've gotta crawl through it.

Morgan the Muse said...

The train? It was long enough ago that I do not remember, man.

Also, the other day I forgot to come back to watch the video. Luckily, I made it back to your blog before the sharks found me.

Pretend Heist said...

Wow. That must have been a close call.

So what did ya think of the video? Does it not rock? I know it does.