Thursday, October 9, 2008

Crujientes de Papa

For those of you who do not know, I have claustraphobia. But on a minor scale.

Well, the other day my boss asked me to sweep out this storage room (which is tiny and I know this room bothers me) and I said okay (coz I forgot the room bothered me) and when I came back I was freakin' out. My sister noticed and started making fun of me. Then my boss apologized for asking me and my sister poitned out that I did agree to go in there of my very own free will. But I had forgotten!

But whilst I was in the room I accidently hit the light swich and it went all dark and I must say I did freak out just a bit more. But I plan on never doin' that again.

Until Next Time


Morgan the Muse said...

That is a sad story. Too bad it did not end with your sister going in to save you, or you getting ate by a giant doughnut monster. Or maybe, Jenni saving you from the monster, by slaying it with a huge sword she had down her pantleg, in "Adventures with Bill" style.

Pretend Heist said...

Heh. I like your idea. That really would have been pretty awesome.