Monday, January 12, 2009

"I Know Everything! And it Says So on the Bottom of the Screen."

Alright. Finished the second Torchwood book.
It's good too. In it I found out that the 'CC' of 'CCTV' is 'Closed Circut'. I hadn't know that and now I do and it makes me happy.
I was actually so happy to hear this that I called Julie and told her.
And I love Julie's new outgoing message to her voicemail.
"Mobiles, landlines, tin cans with bits of string, everything, absolutely everything: no phones, phones all broken. [holds up hand in imitation of telephone] Hello? Anyone there? No! Cause the phones aren't working!"
Here are my favorite parts from it.

Some decently big spoilers for the Torchwood book Pack Animals below.

(((Let me start by saying that in most of these exerts, Ianto is invisible)))
'I'm so hungry,' Ianto's voice shivered. 'But maybe I'll freeze to death first.'
'Oh yeah. Tosh wants to analyse your invisible clothes,' agreed Owen. He indicated the empty slab to Jack. 'He had to take them off anyway, 'cause they were covered in tiger shit.'
'Wait a minute. . .' Jack cocked a saucy eyebrow. 'Am I hearing this correctly? Ianto is sitting there. . .naked?'
'Like, but unlike, one of my recurring nightmares,' said Ianto's voice in a plaintive tone.
Jack stared at the ceiling and laughed aloud. 'Oh, that is such an unfair advantage in naked hide-and-seek. . .' He trailed off as he realized Owen and Toshiko were both looking at him. 'What?'
Owen shook his head sorrowfully. 'So don't want to know,' he told Jack.
'It's a bit. . . Creepy having you walk around the place like that,' Toshiko said.
'I kinda like it,' said Jack.
'He's naked.'
'You say that like it's a bad thing.'
'Here's and idea,' suggested Owen. 'I could bandage your head. Like the invisible man. I'm good with bandages. Medical doctor, trained and everything.'

'I thought that nails and hair grew after death?'
Owen stroked his own clean-shaven chin. 'Take it from an expert, that's a myth. Best you can hope for is that your new cells renew visibly as they replaced. We'll only know that by waiting.' He was fighting not to smile again. 'You should keep a record of what you notice. Maybe some regular entries in your diary, Ianto.' The smile couldn't be suppressed any long. 'You could writ it in invisible ink.'
'We're out of invisible ink,' said Toshiko immediately.
'How can you tell?' Owen responded.

'Get yer kit off, Ianto,' crowed Owen delightedly. 'You're going in! Tosh as programmed you into their access system under a false identity. We chose it from our porn names.'
'Now I'm intrigued,' said Jack.
'Name of your first pet plus the name of the street you grew up in,' Owen continued. 'I had a dog called bobby and grew up in Warren Drive, so I'm Bobby Warren. Gwen is Tiggi Locke. And Ianto,' he concluded with a node of incredulity, 'is Trevor Swanson.'
Jack roared with laughter.
'Who the hell calls their pet dog Trevor?' spluttered Gwen.
Toshiko took a dainty bite from a tuna sandwich in a futile effort to hide her amusement.
'Come on, Trevor,' said Jack. 'Time you were going.'
The suit of clothes started to remove it's jacket and tie at the desk. Ianto's sullen reaction was evident thought his body language alone.

Jack smiled. 'Ianto snooping while naked. That's arousing, right there.'

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

oh, I did not know you did not know it was closed circuit. Huh. Why did you neve ask, I would have told you. So.. anything else you do not know?