Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Care Bares are Goin' to Menards

So. Twas at Julie's (shoking, I know!) and her neighbors (the upstairs tennants) had a domestic! It was freakin' loud with bad words and talk of "you can't even be within one 'undred feet of me" and then the cops showed up! And then I couldn't leave coz the cops parked me in.

And then someone has a dog!

WTF? Julie can't have a cat, but someone can have a dog?

Also, we decided that two of the men who were in the domestic are in a relationship. Coz that amuses us. I mean, they were fighting over a woman, but who cares? Our view on life is much more interesting.

We also speculated that the upstairs tennants may be the ones who had the Possible Murder WeponWeapon. Coz they were all having their domestics and the cops knockin' on their door and whatnot.

Twas exciting.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

sounds awful. Good thing you hid and not try and be a hero, and break them up, or you know, beat on the ceiling with a broom handle.