Thursday, November 13, 2008


Alright. Spoiler warning for SPN episodes Lazarus Rising and Monster Movie.

But this a converstation Dean toally had with a random chick.
He's in bed with the random girl
"Y'know. I'm a virgin."
"No. You lie! A man like you? Can't be a virgin."
"It's a compliated process, but I am a virgin."
they take off their clothes
"What the hell is that?"
"What? My tattoo?"
"No. I know what that is: it's a tattoo. That?" she points to his arm
"Oh, I've just been ANGELIFIED."
"See, an angel came and groped me."
"Groped you on your arm?"
"And your a virgin?"
"Not for long." winkwink
And after the sex
"You're a liar."
"What? Why?"
"There is not fucking way a man who can do what he just did so well is a virgin."
smirk "Like I said. It's a very complicated process."

Until Next Time

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