Monday, November 24, 2008

How Much For That Doggy In The Window?

Puppy fell down at school today. On the concrete.
Huge ass goose-egg on his head, busted lookin' nose (mom thinks it might actually be busted) and skimmed lips. No signs of concussion though (thank God). But he was bleeding from the goose-egg, nose, and the skinned lips.
But he takes all physical injuries in stride. Jabbering and running and laughing. Even though he is in pain. He's a tough little shit. I mean it, when he broke his arm he ran around for about a week. When they had taken him to the ER they said he couldn't have a broken arm - he was crying or acting like he was in pain. And yet, it was broken, not once, but twice.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

Wow, that kid, he bounces. But you guys had to know he was resilient from the beginning.

On a totally unrelated topic... I nominated you for an award that someone nominated me (a shameless chainletter I know, but it made me feel pretty picking proud of myself) So, congratulations on winning the Marie Antoinette award. You old coot!

And I checked the movie times and they are... less than desirable.