Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Need No Toe Nail Polish

Okay. I'd like to say this is an actual converstation I've had.

Morgan stares at her paper "I"m going agnostic on my physics worksheet."
I raise an eyebrow "You won't believe in it unless you see proof?" I hold up the worksheet, "Here's your proof."
"...That's not the word I"m loking for..."
"That's it! I was only comming up with anorexic."
"You're gonna eat it and then throw it up?"
"That's belemic."
"Ooh.. So, you're not gonna eat it?"
"Yeah. I'm gonna go anorexic on my physics worksheet."


Morgan the Muse said...

agnostic... I did not say agnostic... I know I did not.

Never mind.

What brought that on, anyway?

Pretend Heist said...

I wrote it down! I had found the notebook where I had written it. That's what brought it on.