Thursday, December 4, 2008

{Insert Something Snarky Here}

Jeezy Creezy. I know!

So, Julie had mentioned that she doesn't get why guys like the idea of girls together.
I then told her to name her three favorite pairs. For I know what her three favorite parings are.
She's quiet then goes "...Tosh and Owen..."
I stare at her. She curses, "I forgot Dean and Castiel."
I smile and nod.
Her three favorites are: Shassie (Shawn and Lassie; Psych), Janto (Jack and Ianto; Torchwood) Dean/Castiel (Supernatural). For I share these favorites.

As you may or may not know, for the past week and half or so (maybe longer) I've been watching basically nothing but either Doctor Who or Torchwood.
I know. Shudap.

So, I seem to be in love with Torchwood. And Doctor Who mind you.
But Torchwood has great slash. It's in the show even! All over the place!
And! It's got Gareth David-Lloyd.
Whom I have recently discovered, due to Torchwood of course.

For he is love.

As is other things that I love. Yes, they are love too.

On another note, Christmas is complete.

(I know! Shudap!)

And because I love Gareth David-Lloyd.

Until Next Time