Friday, April 30, 2010

This Animal (I've Become)

So, let me tell you about my night.

See, my wisband and I were supposed to be in Keokuk right now and watching one of her friends preform in his local band.

This is more of a life than I normally have.

It's quite an accomplishment to get us to go somewhere with people in a form that may be a crowd. Then again, he's her friend and it is a band. And it sounded like fun. Just because we normally don't really go out doesn't mean we don't ever try to.

But you may have noticed how I said we were supposed. In which case you, if you had a sharp mind, may have realized this meant that we didn't make it.

Why you ask?

Well, we're about half-way there (I guess) when a deer comes out of no where and hits us.

Well, my wisband did all the right things and didn't swerve or any of that jazz, she hadn't slammed on her breaks but started to slow down. Alas, out of the two deer trying to cross the road the second one wanted to hit us. Hit the driver side of the car. The front bit and the door have a nice dint, not to mention the driver side window is no more.

We pull over and look in the road, no dead deer there probably dying the field right beside the road. Okay.

Call her parents and they're coming to get us. Emergency lights on and all we sit at the side of the road and watch the cars go by.

I mention that the road looks pretty when the cars go by - the glass on the road shines so nicely. We then mention that no one has stopped to see if we're alright.

Bit later a guy pulls over and asks us, we send him on his way saying people are coming to help but we feel better about the human race.

Her parents come and her mom takes me home whilst her father drives the poor TARDIS Taurus (what she calls her car) home with my wisband riding with him.

It's good that only the car was hit and it still runs. Just needs a new door. And neither of us were hurt. I don't even think either of us have any cuts from when the glass shattered in on us. Mind, it may have hit her as she caught the brunt of it. But from what I could see in the dark with the lights from the TARDIS Taurus she looked fine.

And I still have no idea if that local band is any good.

Until Next Time

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