Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Knee Feels Like It's Gonna Take A Gun & Go Shoppin'

So, gonna say I've been listening to John Barrowman sing 'Angel' for a while now. Repeat is great.

See, I am listening to the song because at work on the telly (I work at a Care Center) as I walked by was this commercial about stopping animal abuse and the song (not sung by him, mind) was on it. Co-worker was like 'That's Sad'. He just kept saying it through the commercial.

Anyway, made me want to listen to it and like usual - it goes on repeat for a bit.

But another thing about work.

Not too long ago I was as happy as usually going into work but sometime during work I got horrifyingly depressed.
"Hey boss?"
"Can I go home?"
"Not feeling well?"
"Not really. I wanna go home and die."
...Yeah. That conversation would go over well.
I didn't say that. I just continued work. Though I did want to go home and lay down and do nothing for a very long time and let myself wither away.

Later in the afternoon I was feeling better (I was off work - back at home and on the interwebs).
I dislike getting that depressed.
Not fun.

But today I had breakfast with my parents at the Flying J. It was good.

And I decided to draw Misha Collins. Only it will be a not 'normal' style of drawing. I've already got one drawing that style on my deviantART. Not sure when I'm a-gonna start this but yeah.

Also, I've got a few ideas for a second vlog.

Damn, lots of links this post.
Let's do moar!

Moar John Barrowman singing
You're life is now more complete
Fun creative site

Until Next Time

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