Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Then I Jumpt Into the Car and Save the World

I've a new yellow (looks more gold) iPod nano. I named it Paul.
Peter is my computer and Nancy (full title: Nancy TARDIS) is my car.
My phone is nameless. :(

Also, I'm ill! w00t.
It's a rather mild/medium illness.
Let me explain this.
easy/light would be like, tummy ache and headache.
spicy/hard/awful/whatever is like, full on everything where I'm throwing up every hour on the hour and other things at random times (srs. you can time your clock to me throwing up for easily six to twelve hours).
mild/medium is anywhere in between there.
And it seems to be getting better *thumbs up* at I work 5.30 am tomorrow and if I'm still ill there is no one to cover the shift as I'm going to be working with the three people who can also work the 5.30 shift.


Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

I am le sorry to hear that. Srsly.

I could make you some soup? But you would have to come here and eat it... mom just took the car.