Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Seasoned Crutons

Up to the dates of what has been happening.

Thursday had been moi birth to the day.
Got pie and we ate bacon cheese burgers in a Supernatural themed meal as it was, Thursday aka Supernatural Night.
Twas a Thursbirthday!
Got stuff. Such as a book, a tie, a gift card to Barnes N' Noble, a pretty homemade comic full of Janto goodness (it will be posted up here at some point in time), a tie for my cat, and THE SIMS 3!

Friday was Psych Night and it was awesome.

Saturday we did stuff. Stuff we did.
Such as, not the corn maize. As it rained. :(
But, cookout, bowling, watchin' go carts and LAZER TAG.

Then, uh, Then.
Ate at Texan Roadhouse yesterday.

And, I am in love with this video.

Srsly. Noel Fielding is amazing.

Also, at some point in all that madness I had a dream where Julie, Ashley and I were hanging out with Misha Collins and he sang 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' to us, but it was Michael Bublé's voice and Ashley was mowing her lawn at that time in a crazy lawn mowing kinda way.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

whoo, comic got mentioned!

And lazer tag, I think I lost some years off of my life in there. Same reason why I don't watch horror films.