Tuesday, September 1, 2009

She's Got a Slight Headache and No Allergy Attackage

So, here's the major things that seemed to have happened today.

I almost cut off my little finger!
okay, that's a lie.
I was just in the basement reading the water meter and when I was going up the stairs I caught it on something and tore it decently bad. I mean, flap of skin and everything. And everything in the basement is very dirty.
As of so far I have changed my bandage on it four? times today.
Put the first one on coz well, it was bleedin'.
Had to change it within and hour coz it was bleedin' through!
Then had to change it after work coz it got wet (I was doin' dishes)
then had to change it again to clean it once more and take a shower.

I've a stalker.
It's Ashely's dog, Sadie.
See, Sadie loves me. Coz I don't love her.
I'm not much of a dog person. And not a huge fan of this dog.
She knows this and wants me to love her. So she constantly stares at me in a 'lovemelovemelovemelovemeloveme' kinda face. Once, she got right up next to me and licked the air in front of my face because she knew she isn't allowed to lick me.

Lola, Julie's little Pom (I'm okay with Lola. She's like three pounds and hops like a bunny), is going to learn how to sic and attack people.
Only the attack word is: Hooray!
No one will see that comin'.

Also, I think Julie and Ashley has finally realized how clumsy I am.
I mean, they've been my friends for a while and they've only now realized?
Or at least that's what it seemed to me.
Course I seemed to be extra clumsy today... but still...

Until Next Time