Wednesday, February 4, 2009

If You Don’t Understand French, By The Way, All Of This Is Very Funny, I Assure It.

My day was awesome.

Know what made it awesome?

Got three kick ass ties.

A kick ass lamp.

Other kick ass things.

But mostly.

I saw and was right next too and was able to stare at a red Mini Cooper. (This your car? Pretty car.)

I mean, I love Mini's. And Red ones.
With the white stripes?

And I was close enough to touch it.

And to steal it and then use it as a get away car and be chased around by helicopters!

So if you haven’t seen “The Italian Job,” this is all meaningless, by the way, but then, if you haven’t seen it, you probably haven’t lived… Yes, yes…

I mean. I've freakin' wanted one for years and there one was. Right in front of me in a Lowes parking lot. They are love.

And I have to thank my dad for making my day.

We wouldn't have gone to Lowes if he hadn't asked us. And then I would have never seen the mini and my day would not have been as grand.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

You know, I have not seen the Italian Job since that day in Eighth grade. Mebbe we need to watch that on one of our fast becoming necessary, biweekly outing? No wait, that means twice a week... well you know what I mean. Bi-monthly?