Friday, February 6, 2009

Glove Compartment Is An Accurate Name (Or Is It?)

So, today I watched movie, mostly.

Now, that is a freakin' cute movie. I love it.
I very much do. I know Julie doesn't. But I do.
To be fair, Julie actually hasn't seen it.
But she refuses to.
She doesn't like that noise Wall-E makes.
But whatever.
I think it's adorkable.

Then I watched Barnyard.
I didn't want to see this. Jenni made me.
S'okay, I guess.
My favorite character was Ben. And y'know what? He dies 'most right away.
I knew he was gonna die too.
Another character I liked was, I think his name was, Myles. He was a mule. And he rocked.
Other than that? Freakin' pissed me off that all the cows had utters. Even the boys.
I mean, WTF? Have these people who created this cartoon never seen a cow? Not even in pictures? Freakin' annoyed me to no end.

Then Kung Fu Panda. Not bad.
Nothing too much to say. Other than, I think, once again, my favorite character died.
Coz that turtle was kick ass.

Also. I just got done taking a buble bath.
Now I need hot cocoa, eh Julie?

Mm. Cucumbers.

Until Next Time.

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

I love Wall-E. That was the most romantic love story ever. I am convinced.
Barnyard, they ALL have udders? Thats like drawing guys with boobs, on purpose. Ew ew ew ew ew ewwwwwwuh.
KungFu Panda: Tabitha told me the commericals were the funniest parts.