Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pickles Are Cucumbers Drenched In Evil

So, I was at Julie's (shocking, I know) when she put on her scarf (we were leaving, in fact we ended up eating at the Chinese Buffet (I find that to be a strange word) which we do a lot. Why? Because it's awesome.) and her scarf was silver and green. I looked at it and said "You've a Slytherin Scarf!" She got excited. "It is a Slytherin Scarf! I had it made. Because," and here she lead me to her closet, "I found this scarf that my mom used to have." it was gold and the rusty red. I then said, "You've a Gryffindor Scarf too!" and I decided I wanted a Slytherin Scarf. But it was very exciting because I recognized it for what it was right away.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

man! She needs a hufflepuff and ravenclaw one, too! Or, rather, two more. it would make no sense to have a hufflepuff/ravenclaw scarf.