Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Leg Itches In A Silly Manner, Much Like Igloos

I mentioned in this post that I couldn't wait to see the Drag Queens. We were supposed to see them on Boxing Day, yeah? Nope. Didn't work.

They had canceled the show. Months ago apparently. I'm still a bit peeved at this fact. And it's freakin' January 10th.

But we had our Christmas party on Boxing Day see, and we were going to see the Queens. Sadness. Instead, seven people got in my housemate's small car. Two up front and five in the hatchback. Nice snowy roads as well. What is normally a 30-45 minute drive at 45 mph. Fun stuff. We kinda couldn't move much if at all in the back.

I know what you're asking: Why? Why would you do that?

Lazer tag. Yes, one game of lazer tag. Hellz yeah. It was schweet.

Until Next Time

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