Friday, November 13, 2009

My Arm Hurts Like A Ninja After Tea Time

Today, Morgan (my Wisband) and I made a fort. It was Fort Clive. And it was epic. I haven't made a fort in ages. Ashely says that sometime when it's snowy we should make a fort and watch movies in it. I agree with that. It'd be amazing.

*newscaster voice* in other news, I had a dream last night with Bill Nye the Science Guy in it.

And uh, watched White Collar. I am in love with his clothes. I mean seriously (ah! we had seen the turtleneck, I think that was first episode where he met the wife) have you seen the epicness.

(Please tell you click on all those links, see the pretty, see it! And see my Wisband's blog!)

Until Next Time

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