Started out at work. That wasn't fantstic. After that was.
Coz I went to Julie's. First off she told me a great story! Well, it's a bit sad too.
So, last week (to the day) Julie bought three (count it: three) goldfish.
Dexter, Lassie, and Bobby.
So, Friday night Dexter is dead. He's floating at the top of ze fishbowl on 'is side. But wait! He's alive still! Not dead yet! \o/ So, Julie goes and puts 'im in a wine glass and goes to her brothers for a bit.
When she comes home, Dexter is fine. Swimmin' 'round and all happy! He's been magically healed! \o/\o/
She wakes up in the morning (the day I came over) and looks at 'er fish.
Dexter and Bobby are dead. *mourns*
But where is Lassie?
He's not in the fish bowl. Julie cleaned it out. We looked all over the kitchen and no fish. And she lives alone with Walter. Walter is a Ginea Pig. So, Walter didn't take Lassie.
Where the hell is Lassie?
Julie is the only person I know who has lost a fish.
The working theory is that Lassie killed Dexter and Bobby ("He always was the wiley one" says Julie) and is on the lamb. On the way to Mexico.
So, we watched some new Numb3rs. Which makes me happy. Colby (tell ya, he's named after cheese) is back. And Charlie's hair is schweet! And Stuble and Flannel are in now. Everyone's got it.
We went to a pet store (dudes! I was in a petstore. I never go in those) and she was gonna buy Walter a buddy and more fish. But they were out of Walter Buddies and she bought a beta. Who I think would be funny if she named 'im Alpha. But she's not gonna do that. I wouldn't do that. Just made me smile when I said it. Made 'er smile too.
At 'round 8:15 we went to ze CORN MAIZE! (see the joke i did? Heh).
It was easy this year. Plus this year we remembered Flashlights! WHoo! \o/
Map of this years:
Maybe click on ze image? Ooh. And these mazes are not small. They're ten acres large. That's purtty big.
Me, Julie and Ashely went through it together and Shelby and Zack (?)went together.
So, We found Number Six and we get a call from Shelby. They can't find Number Three.
next thing we know they skipped Number Four and has pasted Number Five (they had found that one) and are now with us. So we split again.
We're lookin' for Number Seven (or was it Eight?) and again, we get a call. They had gone from Six to Nine. Which is impossible. But they did it. WTF?
But it was fun.
Last year when we did it we didn't have flashlights.
And even the guide got lost (they've got people in the maze to help those who get lost, y'know?)
Last years map (ze map has been in my purse for a year):
So. It was fun.
Until Next Time
Those wiley goldfish, you can never know what they are going to do.
I would TOTALLY name my Beta Alpha!
And... I am glad you had fun at the maze... but it took me a while to see your joke, I have to admit.
FAIL! Took you a while to see the maize bit? Ooh. Ooh!
So yeah. Lassie is very wiley.
Well, now if you get a beta you can name it Alpha. I give you permission to use my idea.
sweet! But I am not getting a Beta.
However, Trevor has one named Sushi, so maybe I can get him to have its middle name be Alpha. Sushi Alpha G. Since, you know, all their pets have their last name, too. >.>
Sushi? Schweet! Awesome. Tell 'im I approve of that name. Heh.
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