I'm deciding to post some icon's I've made. I've made them all a while ago... and I don't have photoshop but photo explosion deluxe. Yeah, I know. You've never heard of it. Well, it's cheaper than photoshop and thus I own it. See? Anyway, here's some icons I've made a long time agao. Enjoy!


House, M.D.

Until Next Time
yo, sara. Check this out http://annashorten.blogspot.com/
She loves Psych! She was tagged and said that one of her favorite foods was pineapple (fresh!) and it made me think of you. Okay, that is all I had to say, other than nice icons.
Ooh. Glad it made you think of me. I shall have to check that out. Thanks.
And thanks, glad you liked the icons.
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