We decided that when Gabriel Van Helsing is a werewolf, his name is Gregory. Also, Frankenstien's monster? Yeah, his name is Bruce.
Also, the point that at the end? When Gregory squashes his girlfriend Anna and kills her? That's funny.
I mean, think about it for a second.
He squashed her.
Later on at a self-help group for those who killed their loved ones, it'd go a bit like this:
Random guy (1): I accidently stabbed my wife.
Random girl (1): I accidently drowned my kids in the tub.
Random guy (2): I fell asleep with a lit cigarette and caught the house on fire, she was in there.
Random girl (2): I accidently smothered my husband in his sleep with a pillow.
Gabriel Van Helsing: Well, when I was Gregory, I squashed her. Didn't claw her or bite her. No. Sqashed her against a chair.
I think it's funny. But maybe that's just me.

Until Next Time
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