Monday, February 8, 2010

Oh My Rassilon!

Right. So.

Julie takes her dog Lola outside and comes in going 'It's like a blizzard out there! I feel like going across the street and getting some ice cream!'

I, of course, agree.

See, literally, across the street is a gas station that does ice cream cones and blizzards.

So we put on shoes and run through the snow and snow drifts and low and behold, their ice cream machine is down.

Well, how about we run to Casey's and get a small tub of vanilla and some candy bars?

Okay. But we won't walk, that's two and a half blocks, lets drive. It is snowing.

Jump in Julie's car with some our money and enter Casey's.

I take a few steps in an fall on my ASS. It was amazing.

I get up and go check on their ice cream and y'know what? They're out of the small tubs of vanilla!

Well well well, we could buy a personal size vanilla and the candy as we've got enough vanilla for one at home. Okay. We did this.

And ate the ice cream. It was amazing.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

That is brajilliant, guys. Glad you finally achieved ice cream nirvana.