Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Bang-Bang-Bang. A Kiss-Kiss-Kiss. Kiss-Kiss, Bang-Bang. Robert Downey Jr. Oh Yes.

Mm. Munchin' on some toast. I love toast. It is good stuff. Bread in general is good stuff.

I know, I'm sure you don't want to hear me wax on about toast. And bread. Even though I could. Because I love it. I even once made an icon that spoke of my love for bread. Boo-yah. I believe that was back when I only had the paint program. I lot of my stuff sucked when I only had paint. But I bet you figured that, huh?

My Catchphrase of the night: That's Horrifin'.

Until Next Time

1 comment:

Morgan the Muse said...

Yes, I know you love your toast. It is true.