Thursday, December 10, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Captian Kirk's

Oh Canada! Oh Canada!
How lovely are your borders?

Can't wait to go to the drag queen show.

Until Next Time

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Bang-Bang-Bang. A Kiss-Kiss-Kiss. Kiss-Kiss, Bang-Bang. Robert Downey Jr. Oh Yes.

Mm. Munchin' on some toast. I love toast. It is good stuff. Bread in general is good stuff.

I know, I'm sure you don't want to hear me wax on about toast. And bread. Even though I could. Because I love it. I even once made an icon that spoke of my love for bread. Boo-yah. I believe that was back when I only had the paint program. I lot of my stuff sucked when I only had paint. But I bet you figured that, huh?

My Catchphrase of the night: That's Horrifin'.

Until Next Time