Friday, March 27, 2009

Sitting Them Together On A Jump Rope Fence

Captain's Log
Second Entry

Ship Class: 4852656

Turns out we had a stow-away. Little girl - she's seven and an orphan as it turns out. Gave her a room. Rose doesn't talk much and has a small stuffed rabbit toy she carries around with her.
It also turns out that Franz - the dog walker brought some rare food with him and shared with us. Kind of him to do so and not hog it all to himself.
We've had a rather calm ride so far. Though I doubt it will stay that way, we do have a long one ahead of us.
In other, very unrelated, news: I had a strange dream last night. My Mam was crying, and had been for some time as I could see the tracks in her face and Da was in the background which was all red. Strange dream isn't it?

Captain Out

Until Next Time

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