She (my cat) likes to sit on the back of the chair when I'm on the computer and over my shoulder like a parrot.
Here are some crappy photos of it:

*Adopts Newscaster voice* In Other News: Mayo and Mayonnaise are the same things. And that thing that they are is not Mustard. *gracefully crumbles to the floor*
I have defied the laws of DEATH!. Y'see, if you ever fall down the stairs you should DIE! and I have fallen down the stairs quiet often. Strange, no? Or at least, this is my logic (which by the by, does not resemble Earth!Logic and it is not (I repeat NOT) Alien!Logic). You can really DIE! while falling down the stairs if you happen to be carrying something. The bigger the thing the more you should DIE!. See?
Never mind then.
1 comment:
I was wondering is Shy was there or not... she doing okay so far?
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