Puppy fell down at school today. On the concrete.
Huge ass goose-egg on his head, busted lookin' nose (mom thinks it might actually be busted) and skimmed lips. No signs of concussion though (thank God). But he was bleeding from the goose-egg, nose, and the skinned lips.
But he takes all physical injuries in stride. Jabbering and running and laughing. Even though he is in pain. He's a tough little shit. I mean it, when he broke his arm he ran around for about a week. When they had taken him to the ER they said he couldn't have a broken arm - he was crying or acting like he was in pain. And yet, it was broken, not once, but twice.
Until Next Time
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I Need No Toe Nail Polish
Okay. I'd like to say this is an actual converstation I've had.
Morgan stares at her paper "I"m going agnostic on my physics worksheet."
I raise an eyebrow "You won't believe in it unless you see proof?" I hold up the worksheet, "Here's your proof."
"...That's not the word I"m loking for..."
"That's it! I was only comming up with anorexic."
"You're gonna eat it and then throw it up?"
"That's belemic."
"Ooh.. So, you're not gonna eat it?"
"Yeah. I'm gonna go anorexic on my physics worksheet."
Morgan stares at her paper "I"m going agnostic on my physics worksheet."
I raise an eyebrow "You won't believe in it unless you see proof?" I hold up the worksheet, "Here's your proof."
"...That's not the word I"m loking for..."
"That's it! I was only comming up with anorexic."
"You're gonna eat it and then throw it up?"
"That's belemic."
"Ooh.. So, you're not gonna eat it?"
"Yeah. I'm gonna go anorexic on my physics worksheet."
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lession: Winters in South Dakota? Yeah, They're Cold.
Crack!Story! For SPN of course
And I mean CRACK!
As all people should know, winter in South Dakota is well, fucking freezing. So, as the Winchester boys left Bobby's house, they had coats and scarves on (which Dean constantly complained about and Sam was thankful that the scarf muffled his voice). Y'see, there was this certain haunted house that Bobby heard 'bout. Now, I know what yer askin'. Why didn't Bobby take care of it (man, you're nosy for wantin' to know that)? Y'see, Bobby was sick. Pnemonia. Not something you want to have when you go outside to fight off some house that often killed people (er, spirit, not house) and those who did come out told stories that made it seem like they had been on crack. So, he didn't go. He called the Winchester boys.
So, the boys showed up in front of the house and grabbed their guns ("Dude, I'm not wearing mittens. Can't shoot if I'm wearing mittens." "But Dean! You need your hands warm and we don't have any gloves!") then headed inside the house. The house in question was well, old lookin'. Needed a new paint job, probably thousands of leaks in the roof as well. Windows broken in and everything. Not a pretty picture. But then, most of the places the boys go too aren’t that pretty.
But once the boys enter the house, they glance at each other in confusion.
"What the hell?"
"I have no idea."
"Seriously, dude. What the hell?!"
"Is it like a door way? That takes you across the US?"
"I've no idea. I do know that I’m way over dressed for the desert!" Dean through the scarf off with glee. He then surveyed their surroundings. Apparently there were now in the middle of a fuck off desert. No trees in sight, only cactus. For which Dean was grateful. Why? Because Dean hates trees.
So, the two wandered around the desert for a bit, stripping off clothes coz they were so hot. Before long they were just in shoes, socks, underpants, and regular pants (er, jeans). Though Dean was carrying his leather jacket (what? He wasn't gonna leave that in the middle of the desert).
"Damn, it's hot." Dean muttered, wiping the sweat from his brow.
"Well, if we're still here tonight, it's gonna get cold." Sam said, "Maybe we should have carried our clothes and not left them to get covered by sand." He shrugged.
Meanwhile, Bobby was getting worried. I mean, come on, they've been gone for hours. And no call. So, they must both be hurt. Grunting, Bobby got up and grabbed his scarf - coz it's freezing outside and made his way to the house.
But before long the boys saw an oasis. Grinning at each other they ran to it (even though there were trees there) coz they were thristy. You can't walk through the desert for hours and not get thirsty. But they stopped short when the saw that the oasis didn't have water. But butter.
"What the hell?"
"I have no idea."
"Seriously, dude. What the hell?!"
"I guess - well - I. Huh." As Sam had no idea why there was a pool of butter in the middle of desert.
"Screw it. I'm going swimming." Dean took off his pants (er, jeans) and jumped in the pool of butter. "Come on in, Sammy. It's actually cool."
Shrugging, Sam stripped off his jeans and joined his brother. So, the two were bathing in butter. "This has to be a mirage."
"But, dude. We both see it. Can't be a mirage if two people see the pool of butter."
"You have a point."
Before long though, they got out and looked around. The sun was lower in the sky and wait. What the hell? Dean pointed in some random direction, "Am I hallucinating, or is that a mound of waffles?"
Sam's brow furrowed as he looked, "It's a mound of waffles."
"Awesome!" A childlike grin spread over Dean's face, "I'm hungry!" He ran up and started eating them.
Sam walked up and stared at the waffles, feeling sticky with sweat and butter, "Dean, I wouldn't eat those."
"Screw you. I'm hungry." Dean seemed to be swallowing them whole. Only to look up, "Dude! What the hell?!" Which he seemed to say a lot in this crack!fic. Coming towards them was a large Garden Gnome. "Gnome is after my waffles!" Dean yelled, angry, "My waffles!" He stood protectively in front of them. Then he got an idea and took a bite out of each side, making a waffle look kinda like a ninja throwing star, then he through it at the large Garden Gnome. "My waffles, Bitch!"
Sam just stood there, "Dean, who says that the Gnome is after your waffles? Maybe he's like a boss in a video game and if we beat him we're back in South Dakota."
"You have a point." Dean agreed as the Gnome came right up on them, then reached out for Dean only to have Dean punch back, "Get the hell away from me you Freak of Nature!"
The two fought for a bit, only to have the Gnome stand back and glare at him. Dean heard some sort of buzzing in his head, since the Gnome showed up. He had been ignoring it. Though, Sam was confused about the buzzing. "Dude, y'think the Gnome brought a bee?" The Gnome then reached out for Sam and Sam too, put up a fight.
In actuality, Bobby had shown up at the house and cursed when he saw clothes scattered right inside the doorway. Seemed the house could create a horribly large hallucination. But only one at a time. He saw the Winchester boys in just their boxers. Skin pale and lips blue - though they were obvious to the fact that they were still in South Dakota. The house was going to give them hypothermia and kill them. Damn it. He tried talking to them, but apparently they couldn't hear him. Cursing silently, he reached out to Dean, only to have Dean hit back. Grunting Bobby decided that they must see him as some sort of monster. Then he got an idea, he went after Sam, which once again, got into a fight. But Bobby had a plan. He hit Sam in the head, knocking the boy out. Picking him up, Bobby knew that Dean would follow in order to protect his brother.
Dean growled when the Gnome picked up his lifeless brother and started walking away. He followed quickly. But the Gnome stayed ahead of him. He'd catch up. He would. You just wait and see. Only one second he was following a large Gnome carrying his brother in a desert and the next he was following Bobby carrying his brother just outside the house. And damn, was he cold. He fell to the ground, which only proved to be colder yet.
Bobby put Sam in the Impala, then went to get Dean, "Come on, you idjet." He lifted a shaking Dean up and put in him the Impala as well. Getting in, Bobby set the heater on full blast and drove back to his place.
"What the hell?!"
"The house put you two into an illusion. Hallucination thing. What did you see?"
"Desert. Butter oasis. Waffles, and I guess you were the large Garden Gnome?"
Bobby glanced at Dean, "I was a large Garden Gnome?"
Sam chose this moment to wake up, "What? How'd we get back in the Impala?"
Bobby told the boys what he thought happened. About the house confusing the hell out of the two of them. And how he came and saved them from certain death. ("So it was all in our heads?" "Guess so." "What the hell did we swim in?" "Got a better question for ya, Dean. What did you eat? Coz it wasn't waffles.") The next day, they went back to the house (wearing scarves and mittens) to pick up Bobby's vehicle and to burn down the house. So that it wouldn't kill anyone again.
They then went back to Bobby's coz let's face it: Bobby was still ill, and after wearing just boxers for hours in the middle of winter in South Dakota? Yeah, the Winchester boys were sick too.
Told you it was crack.
Until Next Time
Crack!Story! For SPN of course
And I mean CRACK!
As all people should know, winter in South Dakota is well, fucking freezing. So, as the Winchester boys left Bobby's house, they had coats and scarves on (which Dean constantly complained about and Sam was thankful that the scarf muffled his voice). Y'see, there was this certain haunted house that Bobby heard 'bout. Now, I know what yer askin'. Why didn't Bobby take care of it (man, you're nosy for wantin' to know that)? Y'see, Bobby was sick. Pnemonia. Not something you want to have when you go outside to fight off some house that often killed people (er, spirit, not house) and those who did come out told stories that made it seem like they had been on crack. So, he didn't go. He called the Winchester boys.
So, the boys showed up in front of the house and grabbed their guns ("Dude, I'm not wearing mittens. Can't shoot if I'm wearing mittens." "But Dean! You need your hands warm and we don't have any gloves!") then headed inside the house. The house in question was well, old lookin'. Needed a new paint job, probably thousands of leaks in the roof as well. Windows broken in and everything. Not a pretty picture. But then, most of the places the boys go too aren’t that pretty.
But once the boys enter the house, they glance at each other in confusion.
"What the hell?"
"I have no idea."
"Seriously, dude. What the hell?!"
"Is it like a door way? That takes you across the US?"
"I've no idea. I do know that I’m way over dressed for the desert!" Dean through the scarf off with glee. He then surveyed their surroundings. Apparently there were now in the middle of a fuck off desert. No trees in sight, only cactus. For which Dean was grateful. Why? Because Dean hates trees.
So, the two wandered around the desert for a bit, stripping off clothes coz they were so hot. Before long they were just in shoes, socks, underpants, and regular pants (er, jeans). Though Dean was carrying his leather jacket (what? He wasn't gonna leave that in the middle of the desert).
"Damn, it's hot." Dean muttered, wiping the sweat from his brow.
"Well, if we're still here tonight, it's gonna get cold." Sam said, "Maybe we should have carried our clothes and not left them to get covered by sand." He shrugged.
Meanwhile, Bobby was getting worried. I mean, come on, they've been gone for hours. And no call. So, they must both be hurt. Grunting, Bobby got up and grabbed his scarf - coz it's freezing outside and made his way to the house.
But before long the boys saw an oasis. Grinning at each other they ran to it (even though there were trees there) coz they were thristy. You can't walk through the desert for hours and not get thirsty. But they stopped short when the saw that the oasis didn't have water. But butter.
"What the hell?"
"I have no idea."
"Seriously, dude. What the hell?!"
"I guess - well - I. Huh." As Sam had no idea why there was a pool of butter in the middle of desert.
"Screw it. I'm going swimming." Dean took off his pants (er, jeans) and jumped in the pool of butter. "Come on in, Sammy. It's actually cool."
Shrugging, Sam stripped off his jeans and joined his brother. So, the two were bathing in butter. "This has to be a mirage."
"But, dude. We both see it. Can't be a mirage if two people see the pool of butter."
"You have a point."
Before long though, they got out and looked around. The sun was lower in the sky and wait. What the hell? Dean pointed in some random direction, "Am I hallucinating, or is that a mound of waffles?"
Sam's brow furrowed as he looked, "It's a mound of waffles."
"Awesome!" A childlike grin spread over Dean's face, "I'm hungry!" He ran up and started eating them.
Sam walked up and stared at the waffles, feeling sticky with sweat and butter, "Dean, I wouldn't eat those."
"Screw you. I'm hungry." Dean seemed to be swallowing them whole. Only to look up, "Dude! What the hell?!" Which he seemed to say a lot in this crack!fic. Coming towards them was a large Garden Gnome. "Gnome is after my waffles!" Dean yelled, angry, "My waffles!" He stood protectively in front of them. Then he got an idea and took a bite out of each side, making a waffle look kinda like a ninja throwing star, then he through it at the large Garden Gnome. "My waffles, Bitch!"
Sam just stood there, "Dean, who says that the Gnome is after your waffles? Maybe he's like a boss in a video game and if we beat him we're back in South Dakota."
"You have a point." Dean agreed as the Gnome came right up on them, then reached out for Dean only to have Dean punch back, "Get the hell away from me you Freak of Nature!"
The two fought for a bit, only to have the Gnome stand back and glare at him. Dean heard some sort of buzzing in his head, since the Gnome showed up. He had been ignoring it. Though, Sam was confused about the buzzing. "Dude, y'think the Gnome brought a bee?" The Gnome then reached out for Sam and Sam too, put up a fight.
In actuality, Bobby had shown up at the house and cursed when he saw clothes scattered right inside the doorway. Seemed the house could create a horribly large hallucination. But only one at a time. He saw the Winchester boys in just their boxers. Skin pale and lips blue - though they were obvious to the fact that they were still in South Dakota. The house was going to give them hypothermia and kill them. Damn it. He tried talking to them, but apparently they couldn't hear him. Cursing silently, he reached out to Dean, only to have Dean hit back. Grunting Bobby decided that they must see him as some sort of monster. Then he got an idea, he went after Sam, which once again, got into a fight. But Bobby had a plan. He hit Sam in the head, knocking the boy out. Picking him up, Bobby knew that Dean would follow in order to protect his brother.
Dean growled when the Gnome picked up his lifeless brother and started walking away. He followed quickly. But the Gnome stayed ahead of him. He'd catch up. He would. You just wait and see. Only one second he was following a large Gnome carrying his brother in a desert and the next he was following Bobby carrying his brother just outside the house. And damn, was he cold. He fell to the ground, which only proved to be colder yet.
Bobby put Sam in the Impala, then went to get Dean, "Come on, you idjet." He lifted a shaking Dean up and put in him the Impala as well. Getting in, Bobby set the heater on full blast and drove back to his place.
"What the hell?!"
"The house put you two into an illusion. Hallucination thing. What did you see?"
"Desert. Butter oasis. Waffles, and I guess you were the large Garden Gnome?"
Bobby glanced at Dean, "I was a large Garden Gnome?"
Sam chose this moment to wake up, "What? How'd we get back in the Impala?"
Bobby told the boys what he thought happened. About the house confusing the hell out of the two of them. And how he came and saved them from certain death. ("So it was all in our heads?" "Guess so." "What the hell did we swim in?" "Got a better question for ya, Dean. What did you eat? Coz it wasn't waffles.") The next day, they went back to the house (wearing scarves and mittens) to pick up Bobby's vehicle and to burn down the house. So that it wouldn't kill anyone again.
They then went back to Bobby's coz let's face it: Bobby was still ill, and after wearing just boxers for hours in the middle of winter in South Dakota? Yeah, the Winchester boys were sick too.
Told you it was crack.
Until Next Time
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Alright. Spoiler warning for SPN episodes Lazarus Rising and Monster Movie.
But this a converstation Dean toally had with a random chick.
He's in bed with the random girl
"Y'know. I'm a virgin."
"No. You lie! A man like you? Can't be a virgin."
"It's a compliated process, but I am a virgin."
they take off their clothes
"What the hell is that?"
"What? My tattoo?"
"No. I know what that is: it's a tattoo. That?" she points to his arm
"Oh, I've just been ANGELIFIED."
"See, an angel came and groped me."
"Groped you on your arm?"
"And your a virgin?"
"Not for long." winkwink
And after the sex
"You're a liar."
"What? Why?"
"There is not fucking way a man who can do what he just did so well is a virgin."
smirk "Like I said. It's a very complicated process."
Until Next Time
But this a converstation Dean toally had with a random chick.
He's in bed with the random girl
"Y'know. I'm a virgin."
"No. You lie! A man like you? Can't be a virgin."
"It's a compliated process, but I am a virgin."
they take off their clothes
"What the hell is that?"
"What? My tattoo?"
"No. I know what that is: it's a tattoo. That?" she points to his arm
"Oh, I've just been ANGELIFIED."
"See, an angel came and groped me."
"Groped you on your arm?"
"And your a virgin?"
"Not for long." winkwink
And after the sex
"You're a liar."
"What? Why?"
"There is not fucking way a man who can do what he just did so well is a virgin."
smirk "Like I said. It's a very complicated process."
Until Next Time
Fill My Soul With Vomit Then Ask Me For A Piece Of Gum.
So, last Saturday I went to Julie's.
We decided Lassie isn't in Mexico or been kidnapped. He's been raptured. The Bobby and Dexter were sinners.
But what was great? I was at her place from two in the afternoon to seventhirty and we didn't (did not) turn on the TV once. Honestly. We just talked.
And no, it wasn't anything real deep. No chick-flick moments. Though we came up with some great shit.
Most of which are about SPN. Surprised? You shouldn't be.
What we talked about:
Cas(tiel) is awesome.
Sam has to exorcise the demon with his mind only when his hand is up and the fingers are able to twitch. So, why doesn't the demon force him against the wall? Y'know, like they do. Then Sam couldn't get them to vomit themselves.
We spoke much about Dean/Cas(tiel). Which is much love. (Though Shassie is better)
More about Sam having to lift his hand up
More Cas(tiel)
More Dean/Cas(tiel)
And do another round about and you've got our conversation.
Oh! Right. I fergot one though. We did talk 'bout ANGELIFIED Dean.
Coz, dudes. He was ANGELIFIED!

Imagine, if you will:
SamnDean are stuck in a room with a random demon and the demon is smart enough to force them against the wall
Enter the demons evil laughter
"What Sammy? Why are you cursing so?"
"I can't make 'im vomit 'imself coz my arm won't move up in the air!"
"But I don't want you to use yer powers! Good demon fer pinnin' the arm against the wall!"
"What no! I can't be commended fer my good work!" the demon unpins one of Sam's arms
"What Sammy? Why are you still cursing so?"
"It's the wrong arm!"
"S'okay Sammy, I'll take care of this!"
"Eh, no need Dean. I've read so many exorcisims that I don't need the book anymore and-"
"I said s'okay Sammy, I'll take care of this!"
"...you know the exorcisims too?"
"Then I'll try and make 'im vomit 'imself with my nonpowerful hand!"
"Like hell!"
"You'd know!"
"Guys! Hello? Evil!Demon here."
"Right. Possess me, you evil son of a bitch."
"Dean no! You don't want to be possessed!"
"Stop bein' so meledramatic."
"But you've got yer tattoo. I can't possess you. unless..." demon comes up and rips off Dean's shirt in which we here all the fangirls squee and cuts the tattoo that protects 'im from possession and he tries to possess Dean though all he does is sorta bounce off Dean and then explode into freakin'Purple Lightening ash-type thing and dies. To which both brother fall to the ground.
"What the hell Dean! How the fuck did you do that?"
"What Sammy? Why are still cursing so?"
"What just happened?"
"Y'see. I've been ANGELIFIED and I thought, since I've been ANGELIFIED I wouldn't be able to be possessed?"
"What the fuck is angelified?"
"What Sammy? You're still cursing so? and besides it's ANGELIFIED not angelified."
"Just explian."
"See, Cas had touched me n'-"
"And I've got a mark on moi body und soul and so I've been ANGELIFIED." smug look.
Y'think that's what happened (will happen)?
Besides that. Mom went and popped out a few ribs and tore her muscle. She was stretching and then coughed. So, pain for her. Not good. It kinda sucks. Y'know? You probably don't know coz you've probably never had that happen to you. I haven't ever had that happen to me. Oh well.
Until Next Time
We decided Lassie isn't in Mexico or been kidnapped. He's been raptured. The Bobby and Dexter were sinners.
But what was great? I was at her place from two in the afternoon to seventhirty and we didn't (did not) turn on the TV once. Honestly. We just talked.
And no, it wasn't anything real deep. No chick-flick moments. Though we came up with some great shit.
Most of which are about SPN. Surprised? You shouldn't be.
What we talked about:
Cas(tiel) is awesome.
Sam has to exorcise the demon with his mind only when his hand is up and the fingers are able to twitch. So, why doesn't the demon force him against the wall? Y'know, like they do. Then Sam couldn't get them to vomit themselves.
We spoke much about Dean/Cas(tiel). Which is much love. (Though Shassie is better)
More about Sam having to lift his hand up
More Cas(tiel)
More Dean/Cas(tiel)
And do another round about and you've got our conversation.
Oh! Right. I fergot one though. We did talk 'bout ANGELIFIED Dean.
Coz, dudes. He was ANGELIFIED!
Imagine, if you will:
SamnDean are stuck in a room with a random demon and the demon is smart enough to force them against the wall
Enter the demons evil laughter
"What Sammy? Why are you cursing so?"
"I can't make 'im vomit 'imself coz my arm won't move up in the air!"
"But I don't want you to use yer powers! Good demon fer pinnin' the arm against the wall!"
"What no! I can't be commended fer my good work!" the demon unpins one of Sam's arms
"What Sammy? Why are you still cursing so?"
"It's the wrong arm!"
"S'okay Sammy, I'll take care of this!"
"Eh, no need Dean. I've read so many exorcisims that I don't need the book anymore and-"
"I said s'okay Sammy, I'll take care of this!"
"...you know the exorcisims too?"
"Then I'll try and make 'im vomit 'imself with my nonpowerful hand!"
"Like hell!"
"You'd know!"
"Guys! Hello? Evil!Demon here."
"Right. Possess me, you evil son of a bitch."
"Dean no! You don't want to be possessed!"
"Stop bein' so meledramatic."
"But you've got yer tattoo. I can't possess you. unless..." demon comes up and rips off Dean's shirt in which we here all the fangirls squee and cuts the tattoo that protects 'im from possession and he tries to possess Dean though all he does is sorta bounce off Dean and then explode into freakin'
"What the hell Dean! How the fuck did you do that?"
"What Sammy? Why are still cursing so?"
"What just happened?"
"Y'see. I've been ANGELIFIED and I thought, since I've been ANGELIFIED I wouldn't be able to be possessed?"
"What the fuck is angelified?"
"What Sammy? You're still cursing so? and besides it's ANGELIFIED not angelified."
"Just explian."
"See, Cas had touched me n'-"
"And I've got a mark on moi body und soul and so I've been ANGELIFIED." smug look.
Y'think that's what happened (will happen)?
Besides that. Mom went and popped out a few ribs and tore her muscle. She was stretching and then coughed. So, pain for her. Not good. It kinda sucks. Y'know? You probably don't know coz you've probably never had that happen to you. I haven't ever had that happen to me. Oh well.
Until Next Time
hidden quotes,
it's just a flesh wound,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
What the hell?
I'm at Watch Supernatural Online and y'know what?
I waited for episdoe 4.08 Wishful Thinking to download. And began to watch it.
Guess what.
It wasn't SPN.
It was Gossip Girl.
I repeat.
What the hell?
Until Next Time
What the hell?
I'm at Watch Supernatural Online and y'know what?
I waited for episdoe 4.08 Wishful Thinking to download. And began to watch it.
Guess what.
It wasn't SPN.
It was Gossip Girl.
I repeat.
What the hell?
Until Next Time
being emo and bitchy,
that saddens me
You're Wearing A Toga And A Fake Moustache?
:::Warning. :::
Below are spoilers to all of Supernatural Season One
You have been warned
:::Warning. :::
Disc One
1.01 Piolet Baby!Sam, Young!Dean, Loving!Father!Dad, Stealthy!Ninja!YED, Dead!Mary, Clean!Shaven!Dad, Missing!Dad, Stanford!Palo!Alto!Sam, Brother!Battle, Woman!In!White, Food!Dean, Fake!US!Marshalls, Jump!Off!Bridge, Toliet!Dean, Jerk!Bitch, Arrested!Dean, Dad's!Journal, Reporter!Sam, Handcuffed!Dean, Message!From!Dad, Hurt!Sam, Take!Bitch!Home, Dead!Jess
1.02 Wendigo Wendigo!, Living!Dead!Jess, Nightmare!Sam,Enviromental!Study!Majors!From!UC!Bolder!Just!Working!On!A!Paper!Friends!Of!That!Haley!Girl, Shoot!First!Ask!Questions!Later!Sam, Rangers!From!The!Park!Service, Perceptive!Sam, Almost!Bear!Trap!Dean, Duffle!Bag, M&Ms!Provisions, Food!Dean, Decoy!Screams, Dad's!Journal, "Saving!People!Hunting!Things!The!Family!Business", Dead!Roy, Captured!Dean, M&M!Trail, Hut!Dean, Flare!Guns, Diversion!Dean
1.03 Dead In The Water Pissed!Off!Spirit, Lucky!Pen, US!Wildlife!Service, Silent!Lucas, Dean!Plays!With!Toys, Artist!Dean, Silent!Dean, Wet!SamnDean, Dean!Saves!Lucas, Zepplin!Rules
1.04 Phantom Traveler Japanese!Demon, Fourty!Minutes, 5.45!Wake!Up!Call, Pillow!Knife!Dean, Proud!Dad, Homeland!Security, No!Survivors,Blues!Brothers, Seventh!Grader!At!His!First!Dance, Homemade!EMF, Fence!Jumping, Sulfur!Residue, Time!Really!Does!Fly, Flight!Phobia!Dean, Humming!Metallica, Exorcisim!Sam, God!Latin!Christo, Dee-monic!Co-Piolet, Panic!Dean, Voicemessage!Dad, 785!555!0179
Disc Two
1.05 Bloody Mary Bloody!Mary, Mirror!Mirror, Blue!Fire!Nightmare!Sam, Med!Students!Ohio!State, Earned!That!Money,Freak!Medical!Thing, Very!Annoying!Reasearch, Bianca's!Toast!Dead!Jill, Blue!Fire!Nightmare!Sam, Awesome!Brother!Dean, Lollipops!Candycanes, Paris!Hilton!Dean Reporters!, Secret!Sam, Smash!Dean, Adopted!Boss'!Kid!Dean, Hurt!Sam, Truth!Sam, Smash!Dean, Hurt!Dean, Hero!Dean, 600!Years!Bad!Luck, Take!Own!Advice!Sam, See!Jess
1.06 Skin Evil!Dean, One!Week!Earlier, Email!Sam, Sam!Wears!Women's!Underwear,Cop!Dean!Detective!Dean, Fido!Saw!Something, 5.30!In!The!Morning, Our!Kind!Of!Problem, Dark!Doubles, Shape!Shifters, Sewer!System, Sheds!Its!Skin, Silver!Bullet!To!The!Heart, Puke!Inducing!Pile, Dean!Double, Shape!Shifter!Thought!Form, Left!Shoulder, Hurt!Dean, Hurt!Sam, Bondage!, Jealous!Dean, Freak!Dean, Lone!Dean, Picked!The!Handsome!One, Downloading!Thoughts!Memories, Vulcan!Mind!Meld, APB!Dean, Back!The!The!Beginging, Escaped!Dean, Hey!Man!Nice!Shot!Filter, Ew!, Not!Even!A!Good!Picture, Double!Dean!Drove!Impala, Sorry!Sam, Impatient!Dean, Becky!Double, Murder!In!1st!Of!His!Own!Brother, Dean!Kicks!Sam's!Ass, Dead!Dean, Blame!Dean!Wincester!Guy, Dean's!Funeral
1.07 Hook Man Iowa!niversity,1st!Date!Last!Date, Hook!Man, Half-Caf!Double!Vanilla!Latte!Gettin'!Cold!Francis, Invisible!Man, Fraternaty!Brothers!Ohio!Transfer, Artist!Sam, Lori!Sam, Looking!For!A!Church!Group, 1862!Preacher!Jacob!Carnes, Turn!On!The!Light, Genuis!Dean, Arrested!, Matlock!Dean, Worried!Sam, Punished! Kiss!Sam, Kicksass!Sam, Attacked!Lori, Silver!Fire, Hurt!Sam, Hook!Cross
1.08 Bugs Bugs!Day!Jobs!Hustle!Pool!Credit!Card!Scams, Oprah!Dean, Newphews!, Flip!A!Coin, Free!Food, Sexual!Orientation, Sexual!Orientation, Steam!Shower, Spider!Man!Sam, Willard!Rats!Bugs, Squatting!, Psycho!Shower!Death, Shower!Scene!Dean, Serial!Killers, Proud!Scared!Dad, Students!, Liar!Dean, Indian!Burrial!Ground, Curse!Grounds, Gas!Leak,Pyro!Dean, Anee!Frank!Hide!In!Attic, Wait!It!Out, Apologize!Sam
Disc Three
1.09 Home Something!In!Closet, Flame!Spirit, Vision!Sam, Go!Home, Truth!Sam,Federal-!Used!To!Live!Here, Juice!Junkie, Memories!Dean, Dean!Call!Dad, Cut!Off!Hand, Winchester!Disapearance, State!Missouri!Psychic, Dad's!Journal, Goffy!Lookin'!Dean, Fridge!Cage, EMF!Amatur, Not!It!Them, Purify!House, Hurt!Sam, Hurt!Dean, Still!Here, Captured!Sam, Mary!Saves!The!Day, Sorry!Mary, Childhood!Pictures, Hiding!Dad
1.10 Asylum Dive!You!Insane, Bloody!Nose, Dad's!Journal, Youda!Dad, Coordinates!Dad, Chicago!Tribune!Helpful!Guy, Jerk!, South!Wing, "Kinda!Like!My!Man!Jack", Extra!Cookie!Dean, Therapist!Sam, Roosevelt!Riot, Worst!Date!Ever, Make-out!Session, Ghost!Whisperer, Room!137, Sam!Had!A!Crappy!Guidence!Councilor, No!Leaving, Phone!Call!From!Dean, Boiler!Room, Influenced!Sam, Don't!Shoot!Dean, Bloody!Nose!Sam, Hidden!Room, Sam!Shoots!Dean, Unloaded!Gun, Hurt!Sam, Hurt!Dean, Influenced!Dean, Dean!Burns!Bones, Normal!Sam, Dad!Call
1.11 Scarecrow Small!Homey!Town, Cool!Tattoo, Dead!Car, Creepy!Orchard, Evil!Scarecrow, Dad!Calls, The!Demon, Yahtzee!Dean, Master!Dad, Sacramento!California, Epic!Argument, California!Sam, Indiana!Dean, Sam's!Ass!Left, Scotty!Café, Zepplin!Drummer, Friend! Freak!Sam, Hichhicking!Meg, Shady!Van!Guy, EMF!, Fugy!Scarecrow, Nice!Tatt, Perfect!Little!Town, Guy!Girl, Bus!Sam, Sam!Meg, Apple!Pie, Creepy!Dean, Run!Out!Of!Town!Dean, Running!Away!Meg, Creepy!Meg, Hero!DEAn, Phone!Call!Dean!Sam, Smart!Dean, Ritual!Sacrifice, Pegan!God, Geek!Boy, Proud!Dean, Goodbye!Dean, Hobby!, Sacred!Tree, Hurt!Dean, Secret!Meeting, Common!Good, Sam!To!The!Rescue,Kill!Sacrifice!Classier, Bondage!Dean, Freakin'!Worth!It!Apple!Pie, Dean's!Working!On!A!Plan, Dean's!Still!Working!On!It, Sam!, Grand!Theft!Auto!Sam, Escape!,Let!'Im!Take!You, Sacred!Tree!Burn, Staying!Sam, Dean!Had!A!Plan, Evil!Meg, Yes!Father
1.12 Faith100.000!Volts, Crispy!Rawhead, Save!Kids, Dean!In!Water, Electrified!Dean, Dead!Dean, Hurt!Dean, Dying!Dean, Heart!Attack!Dean, Weeks!Left, Evil!Snuggle, Call!Dad, AMA!Dean, Dad's!Journal, Joshua!, Faith!Healer,Darla!Rita!Layla, Skeptic!Dean, Healed!Dean, Reaper!, Why!Me?, 4.17!, Bran!Tumor!Layla, Don't!Fear!The!Reaper, Tarrot!Sam, No!Killing!Humans, Five!Destraction!Dean, The!Wife, Fear!Of!God, Fear!Of!God, Hidden!Dean, Dean's!Next, Dying!Dean, Dead!Wife, Layla!Dean, Praying!Dean
Disc Four
1.13 Route 666 Killer!Ghost!Truck, Old!Girl!Friend, Cassie!Dean, Broken!Rule, Racist!Mayor Insurance!Guys, 60s!Truck, She!Dumped!Dean, Dean!Sex, Professionally!Popped!Ghosts, Dead!Mayor, Dorian!Family, The!Truth, 0.7!Mile, Hallow!Ground
1.14 NightmareSucide!, Vision!Sam, Detective!Sam, Priests!, Max!, Weird!Green!Lazers!Blue!Light!Machine, Vision!Sam, Window!Guillotine, Cursed!Family Max!Has!Huge!Nostrils, Abused!Max, Step!Mom, Vision!Sam, Evil!Max, No!Killing!Max, Speical!Children, Closet!Sam, Hurt!Dean, Dead!Dean, Vision!Sam, Telekinetic!Sam, Dead!Max, Family!Friends
1.15 The Benders Eaten!By!Car, State!Police, Whining!Growl, Scary!Cat, Missing!Sam, Worried!Dean, Candid!Camera, Cousin!Sam, Like!The!Rifle, Murderer!Dean, Cage!Sam, Whining!Growl, They're!Just!People, Caught!Lying!Dean, Dead!Michael!Jackson!Disease!Dean, Responsible!Dean, Bracket!Sam, Hunt!People, Pressed!Luck!Dean, Hand!Cuffed!Dean, Excape!Cuffs, Evil!Girl, Found!Sam, Dean!To!The!Rescue, They're!Just!People, Crazy!Peaple, Stick!With!A!Nail, Caught!Dean, Hurt!Dean, Torture!Dean, Shoot!Sam, Bracket!Fight!Sam, Pissed!Dean, Free!Sam, Kick!Ass!Sam, It's!Fun
1.16 Shadows Okay. Honeslty? Worst episode ever. That's the main reason why I didn't watch it for a second time (I've only seen it once). The other reason? Coz my DVD doesn't play it.
So you get my version of the very anti-climatic episode.
Let's see. Search fer dad. Ooh. Meg is a demon. Through Meg out a seven story window. Ooh, they think she's dead coz they don't know she's a demon, just evil. Dad! Dad splitting on them again.
"No Dad! We just found you! You can't leave!"
"I have to Sammy. We aren't safe together!"
"Dean! Back me up, bro!"
"I can't!Dad ordered me to agree with him at all times Dad is right, Sammy!"
"I've got to go now. Nice seein' ya though."
"No Dad! Dean! Don't let him leave! Isn't this what you wanted? A family?!"
". . .yeah."
"I’m leavin' now, Boys. Late."
There ya go. That's Shadows. Er, my version of it anyway.
Disc Five
1.17 Hell House Evil!Root!Cellar, Prank!, Nair!Shampoo, No!Corpse, Hell!Hounds!Liar, Paranormal!investigators, Amaturs!, Prank!, Ghost!Busters, Double!Dare, Rats!Dean, Immune!To!Salt, Sweet!Lord!Of!The!Rings, BOC!Fan, Truth!Time, Prank!, Thought!Form, Sam!Shower, Jerk!Dean, WWBD?!, Laught!Fisherman, Prank!, Pyro!Dean, Hollywood!Producer!Sam, Dead!Backseat!Fish!Dean
1.18 Something Wicked Striga!, Smart!Ass!Sam, Oldest!Dean, Bikini!Inspector!Sam, CDC!, Inverted!Cross, Hand!Print, Flash!Back!Dean, Pastor!Jim, Two!Queens, Flash!Back!Dean, Feeding!Numerable, Concentrated!Iron!Rounds, Crazy!Old!Woman, Pissed!Off!Dean, Hydecker!Striga, Wise!Dean, Idea!Dean, Flach!Back!Truth!Dean, Striga!Teany!Sam, Kid!Bait, Kid!Truth, Big!Bothers, 3!AM, Chick!Flick, Striga!Teany!Sam, Missing!Hydecker, Lost!Innocence
1.19 Provenance Creepy!Painting, LA!TV!Scouts, Distracted!Dean, Prank!Sam, Art!Dealers, Art!History!Sam, Disco!Hotel, Sarah!Sam,Loser!Sam, Liar!Dean, Captain!Obvious!Sam, Changed!Painting, Cranky!Sam, Smooth!Sam, Truth!Sarah, "Sam!Marry!That!Girl", Flirt!Sam, Truth!Sam, Interrupting!Dean, Uncomfortably!Comfortable, Little!Girl, Iron!, Idea!Sara, Girl's!Dolls, Not!Bad, Burn!Painting, Not!Thanked!Dean, Kiss!Sam
1.20 Dead Man's Blood The!Colt, Dad's!Journal, Message!, Mail!Drop, Dad!,Extinct!Vampires!, It's!Starting, Sunlight! Beheading!, Truth!Dad, Samuel!Colt's!Gun, Their!Sent, Truth!Dad, Not!Different College!Fund!Amo, Dead!Man's!Blood, Bait!Dean, Hurt!Dean, Leaving!Dad, Talk!Back!Dean, Boo!, Hurt!Dad, Hurt!Sam
Disc Six
1.21 Salvation Carry!On!My!Wayward!Son!Recap, Meg!, Dead!Pastor!Jim, Dad!Tracks!Demons, 6!Months, Our!Problem, Palo!Alto, Salvation!Iowa, Caleb!, Vision!Sam, New!Neighbor!Sam, Vision!Sam, Stealthy!Ninja!YED, Truth!Sam, Back!Talking!Dean, Meg!Call, Dead!Caleb, The!Colt!Ringer, Trap!, Don't!Get!Dead, 4!Bullets, Holy!Water!Traps!Dad, Not!Like!Always, Shot!Meg, Funny!Dad, Escape!Dad, It's!Here, Slashed!Tires, Stealthy!Ninja!YED, Missed!Shot, Captured!Dad, Meg!Call
1.22 Devil's Trap Fight!The!Good!Fight!Recap, Meg!Call,Dead!Dad, Help!, BOBBY!, Shotgun!Bobby, Key!Of!Soloman, Dead!Rumsfeld, Meg!, Hurt!Dean, Trapped!Meg, Pissed!Dean, Dead!Dad, Exorcism!Sam, Dead!Dad, Human!Meg, Sunrise!, Dead!Meg, Car!Drawing!Sam, Dean!Leaves!The!Colt, Fire!Alarm, Unconscious!Dad, Yorkie!Dean, Firement!, Holy!Water!Extengishers, Possessed!Dad, Bondage!Dad, Hurt!Sam, Colt!Dean, Safe!Haven, Anything!For!Family!Dean, Not!Mad!Dad, It's!Here, Not!Dad, Possessed!Dad, YED!, Dean!Killed!YED's!Family, Special!Children, Hurt!Dean, Dad!Control, Shot!Dad, Semi!Total!Impala, Hurt!Unonconscious!Dean, Hurt!Unconscious!Sam, Hurt!Unconscious!Dad, All!Dead?
Now enjoy the Season One Gag Reel
Until Next Time
Below are spoilers to all of Supernatural Season One
You have been warned
:::Warning. :::
Disc One
1.01 Piolet Baby!Sam, Young!Dean, Loving!Father!Dad, Stealthy!Ninja!YED, Dead!Mary, Clean!Shaven!Dad, Missing!Dad, Stanford!Palo!Alto!Sam, Brother!Battle, Woman!In!White, Food!Dean, Fake!US!Marshalls, Jump!Off!Bridge, Toliet!Dean, Jerk!Bitch, Arrested!Dean, Dad's!Journal, Reporter!Sam, Handcuffed!Dean, Message!From!Dad, Hurt!Sam, Take!Bitch!Home, Dead!Jess
1.02 Wendigo Wendigo!, Living!Dead!Jess, Nightmare!Sam,
1.03 Dead In The Water Pissed!Off!Spirit, Lucky!Pen, US!Wildlife!Service, Silent!Lucas, Dean!Plays!With!Toys, Artist!Dean, Silent!Dean, Wet!SamnDean, Dean!Saves!Lucas, Zepplin!Rules
1.04 Phantom Traveler Japanese!Demon, Fourty!Minutes, 5.45!Wake!Up!Call, Pillow!Knife!Dean, Proud!Dad, Homeland!Security, No!Survivors,
Disc Two
1.05 Bloody Mary Bloody!Mary, Mirror!Mirror, Blue!Fire!Nightmare!Sam, Med!Students!Ohio!State, Earned!That!Money,
1.06 Skin Evil!Dean, One!Week!Earlier, Email!Sam, Sam!Wears!Women's!Underwear,
1.07 Hook Man Iowa!niversity,
1.08 Bugs Bugs!
Disc Three
1.09 Home Something!In!Closet, Flame!Spirit, Vision!Sam, Go!Home, Truth!Sam,
1.10 Asylum Dive!You!Insane, Bloody!Nose, Dad's!Journal, Youda!Dad, Coordinates!Dad, Chicago!Tribune!Helpful!Guy, Jerk!, South!Wing, "Kinda!Like!My!Man!Jack", Extra!Cookie!Dean, Therapist!Sam, Roosevelt!Riot, Worst!Date!Ever, Make-out!Session, Ghost!Whisperer, Room!137, Sam!Had!A!Crappy!Guidence!Councilor, No!Leaving, Phone!Call!From!Dean, Boiler!Room, Influenced!Sam, Don't!Shoot!Dean, Bloody!Nose!Sam, Hidden!Room, Sam!Shoots!Dean, Unloaded!Gun, Hurt!Sam, Hurt!Dean, Influenced!Dean, Dean!Burns!Bones, Normal!Sam, Dad!Call
1.11 Scarecrow Small!Homey!Town, Cool!Tattoo, Dead!Car, Creepy!Orchard, Evil!Scarecrow, Dad!Calls, The!Demon, Yahtzee!Dean, Master!Dad, Sacramento!California, Epic!Argument, California!Sam, Indiana!Dean, Sam's!Ass!Left, Scotty!Café, Zepplin!Drummer, Friend! Freak!Sam, Hichhicking!Meg, Shady!Van!Guy, EMF!, Fugy!Scarecrow, Nice!Tatt, Perfect!Little!Town, Guy!Girl, Bus!Sam, Sam!Meg, Apple!Pie, Creepy!Dean, Run!Out!Of!Town!Dean, Running!Away!Meg, Creepy!Meg, Hero!DEAn, Phone!Call!Dean!Sam, Smart!Dean, Ritual!Sacrifice, Pegan!God, Geek!Boy, Proud!Dean, Goodbye!Dean, Hobby!, Sacred!Tree, Hurt!Dean, Secret!Meeting, Common!Good, Sam!To!The!Rescue,
1.12 Faith100.000!Volts, Crispy!Rawhead, Save!Kids, Dean!In!Water, Electrified!Dean, Dead!Dean, Hurt!Dean, Dying!Dean, Heart!Attack!Dean, Weeks!Left, Evil!Snuggle, Call!Dad, AMA!Dean, Dad's!Journal, Joshua!, Faith!Healer,
Disc Four
1.13 Route 666 Killer!Ghost!Truck, Old!
1.14 Nightmare
1.15 The Benders Eaten!By!Car, State!Police, Whining!Growl, Scary!Cat, Missing!Sam, Worried!Dean, Candid!Camera, Cousin!Sam, Like!The!Rifle, Murderer!Dean, Cage!Sam, Whining!Growl, They're!Just!People, Caught!Lying!Dean, Dead!Michael!Jackson!Disease!Dean, Responsible!Dean, Bracket!Sam, Hunt!People, Pressed!Luck!Dean, Hand!Cuffed!Dean, Excape!Cuffs, Evil!Girl, Found!Sam, Dean!To!The!Rescue, They're!Just!People, Crazy!Peaple, Stick!With!A!Nail, Caught!Dean, Hurt!Dean, Torture!Dean, Shoot!Sam, Bracket!Fight!Sam, Pissed!Dean, Free!Sam, Kick!Ass!Sam, It's!Fun
1.16 Shadows Okay. Honeslty? Worst episode ever. That's the main reason why I didn't watch it for a second time (I've only seen it once). The other reason? Coz my DVD doesn't play it.
So you get my version of the very anti-climatic episode.
Let's see. Search fer dad. Ooh. Meg is a demon. Through Meg out a seven story window. Ooh, they think she's dead coz they don't know she's a demon, just evil. Dad! Dad splitting on them again.
"No Dad! We just found you! You can't leave!"
"I have to Sammy. We aren't safe together!"
"Dean! Back me up, bro!"
"I can't!
"I've got to go now. Nice seein' ya though."
"No Dad! Dean! Don't let him leave! Isn't this what you wanted? A family?!"
". . .yeah."
"I’m leavin' now, Boys. Late."
There ya go. That's Shadows. Er, my version of it anyway.
Disc Five
1.17 Hell House Evil!Root!Cellar, Prank!, Nair!Shampoo, No!Corpse, Hell!Hounds!Liar, Paranormal!investigators, Amaturs!, Prank!, Ghost!Busters, Double!Dare, Rats!Dean, Immune!To!Salt, Sweet!Lord!Of!The!Rings, BOC!Fan, Truth!Time, Prank!, Thought!Form, Sam!Shower, Jerk!Dean, WWBD?!, Laught!Fisherman, Prank!, Pyro!Dean, Hollywood!Producer!Sam, Dead!Backseat!Fish!Dean
1.18 Something Wicked Striga!, Smart!Ass!Sam, Oldest!Dean, Bikini!Inspector!Sam, CDC!, Inverted!Cross, Hand!Print, Flash!Back!Dean, Pastor!Jim, Two!Queens, Flash!Back!Dean, Feeding!Numerable, Concentrated!Iron!Rounds, Crazy!Old!Woman, Pissed!Off!Dean, Hydecker!Striga, Wise!Dean, Idea!Dean, Flach!Back!Truth!Dean, Striga!Teany!Sam, Kid!Bait, Kid!Truth, Big!Bothers, 3!AM, Chick!Flick, Striga!Teany!Sam, Missing!Hydecker, Lost!Innocence
1.19 Provenance Creepy!Painting, LA!TV!Scouts, Distracted!Dean, Prank!Sam, Art!Dealers, Art!History!Sam, Disco!Hotel, Sarah!Sam,
1.20 Dead Man's Blood The!Colt, Dad's!Journal, Message!, Mail!Drop, Dad!,
Disc Six
1.21 Salvation Carry!On!My!Wayward!Son!Recap, Meg!, Dead!Pastor!Jim, Dad!Tracks!Demons, 6!Months, Our!Problem, Palo!Alto, Salvation!Iowa, Caleb!, Vision!Sam, New!Neighbor!Sam, Vision!Sam, Stealthy!Ninja!YED, Truth!Sam, Back!Talking!Dean, Meg!Call, Dead!Caleb, The!Colt!Ringer, Trap!, Don't!Get!Dead, 4!Bullets, Holy!Water!Traps!Dad, Not!Like!Always, Shot!Meg, Funny!Dad, Escape!Dad, It's!Here, Slashed!Tires, Stealthy!Ninja!YED, Missed!Shot, Captured!Dad, Meg!Call
1.22 Devil's Trap Fight!The!Good!Fight!Recap, Meg!Call,
Now enjoy the Season One Gag Reel
Until Next Time
review of DOOM,
video killed the radio store
Fair, Fare, Affair
In Supernatural.
Demons hate hell too. It's not a fun place to be. And thus is why they try and get out of hell. Yes?
So why the hell (excuse the pun) is Lillith trying to bring hell on Earth? And why the hell (excuse the pun) are most of demons trying to help her?
Tell me.
My theories?
A) Lilltih is crazy
B) Lillith is stupid
1) The demons are stupid
2) The demons crack under peer pressure (like with the Purple Lightening)
Which to you think?
This is how the scene will play out.
Sam is yelling because at the end of an exorcism, he always says the last lime horribly loud "Exorcizo Te, Omnis Spiritus Immun-"
Demon thanks god for the pause
"Why'd you make me stop?"
"I wanna ask it a question."
Sam raises an eyebrow, "What?"
"I wanna ask it a question." pause "Dude, why are you all tryin' the break the sealsout of the zoo and bring hell on earth?"
Demon blinks, "What?"
"Come on, demons don't like hell either."
"Oh but-" Demon is cut off
"Don't deny it. I know. I was there, remember? I saw how much it sucked donkey for both humans and demons alike."
Sam looks up, "You remember hell? You said you didn't!"
Dean glares pointedly at Sam, "I'm busy. Bother me later." Turns back to the demon, "So. Why the hell are you all helpin' her? I get why she's doin' it. She's a crazy bitch.I should know. As hell's bitch, she was my pimp. Though now I'm heaven's bitch and Castiel is my pimp."
"...We fold under pressure?"
Dean nods, "Like with the Purple Lightening?"
"Sure isn't not because you're all stupid? Coz you are. I mean, sure, you've got these evil schemes, but none of you atually think about the fact that we only do salt lines around the doors and windows and you guys can break down walls?"
"...hey! I never thought of that!"
"I know." Dean does a sarcastic eye roll. "Finish it Sam, I've got my answers."
Sam is yelling again, happy to do so "Exorcizo Te, Omnis Spiritus Immunde!" Sam slams the book shut with a smile as the demon's black smoke goes through the floor or ceiling - take yer pick.
Until Next Time
In Supernatural.
Demons hate hell too. It's not a fun place to be. And thus is why they try and get out of hell. Yes?
So why the hell (excuse the pun) is Lillith trying to bring hell on Earth? And why the hell (excuse the pun) are most of demons trying to help her?
Tell me.
My theories?
A) Lilltih is crazy
B) Lillith is stupid
1) The demons are stupid
2) The demons crack under peer pressure (like with the Purple Lightening)
Which to you think?
This is how the scene will play out.
Sam is yelling because at the end of an exorcism, he always says the last lime horribly loud "Exorcizo Te, Omnis Spiritus Immun-"
Demon thanks god for the pause
"Why'd you make me stop?"
"I wanna ask it a question."
Sam raises an eyebrow, "What?"
"I wanna ask it a question." pause "Dude, why are you all tryin' the break the seals
Demon blinks, "What?"
"Come on, demons don't like hell either."
"Oh but-" Demon is cut off
"Don't deny it. I know. I was there, remember? I saw how much it sucked donkey for both humans and demons alike."
Sam looks up, "You remember hell? You said you didn't!"
Dean glares pointedly at Sam, "I'm busy. Bother me later." Turns back to the demon, "So. Why the hell are you all helpin' her? I get why she's doin' it. She's a crazy bitch.
"...We fold under pressure?"
Dean nods, "Like with the Purple Lightening?"
"Sure isn't not because you're all stupid? Coz you are. I mean, sure, you've got these evil schemes, but none of you atually think about the fact that we only do salt lines around the doors and windows and you guys can break down walls?"
"...hey! I never thought of that!"
"I know." Dean does a sarcastic eye roll. "Finish it Sam, I've got my answers."
Sam is yelling again, happy to do so "Exorcizo Te, Omnis Spiritus Immunde!" Sam slams the book shut with a smile as the demon's black smoke goes through the floor or ceiling - take yer pick.
Until Next Time
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I Check Moi Email Coz I'm A Cannibal Like That
Christmas has started.
I'll keep ya up to date on this topic.
Until Next Time
I'll keep ya up to date on this topic.
Until Next Time
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tag Team Bananas
So. Now Theiven' Bitches all have names. Many thanks to Julie, as she named us.
Pirate = Julie (DVDs)
Bookworm = Ashley (Magazines)
The Cleaner = Me (Green scratchy pads from work)
Until Next Time
Pirate = Julie (DVDs)
Bookworm = Ashley (Magazines)
The Cleaner = Me (Green scratchy pads from work)
Until Next Time
Damn the Man! Save the Empire!
This post is for Morgan I do hope you enjoy it.
These others are just coz it's spiffy.
Until Next Time
These others are just coz it's spiffy.
Until Next Time
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Castiel Owns Your Soul
Hey, hey, we're the Mud Monkees
And angles say we are less than them.
But we're too busy singing
To destroy a town.
We're just tryin' to be friendly,
Come and watch us kick some evil sons of bitches,
We're the ones who save your ass,
And we've got something to say.
Hey, hey, we're the Mud Monkees
Hey, hey, we're the Mud Monkees

Kudos, Props, Moxie and whatever else I can throw at whoever gets what I'm talkin' about.
Until Next Time
And angles say we are less than them.
But we're too busy singing
To destroy a town.
We're just tryin' to be friendly,
Come and watch us kick some evil sons of bitches,
We're the ones who save your ass,
And we've got something to say.
Hey, hey, we're the Mud Monkees
Hey, hey, we're the Mud Monkees

Kudos, Props, Moxie and whatever else I can throw at whoever gets what I'm talkin' about.
Until Next Time
Monday, November 3, 2008
Let's Play Ring Around The Helmet!
Last Friday I went out with Julie and Ashley. Like I do.
First off we had to go around and put Obama door flyers on people's doors. We had to do this because we were obligated to do so.
Should I explain?
Julie's brother is very MCCAIN and so Ashley got five Obama yard signs and 75 flyers. The only way she could get those is if she agreed to put the flyers on some people's doors.
So Julie and Ashley put them on the doors and I handed out the flyers. This one time though, I was laughing really hard.
Julie came back first and was like, "Why are you dying? You're dying of laughter, why?!"
I couldn't tell her, I was laughing too much.
Ashley came in, "What's going on?"
"She's dying of laughter!"
By now I could speak.
"I just imagined us doing with with McCain Masks."
This got them to laugh as well.
Well, while we were flyer'ing people's houses we saw Dan (the brother) out walkin' the dogs.
So we stealthly snuck to his place and placed one sign in his lawn.
Then we finished flyer'ing houses.
Then we went to K-Town to go to PowderTown. As we drove by Dan's we saw that the sign was gone!
The haunted house wasn't bad at all. A few hidden doors, but no dark passage ways. Not bad at all. I think. Though Julie always pauses before she walks into the area with the hanging dead bodies. But this time no one threw them at us. So that's a plus?
PowderTown? Kinda sucked. I think. First year for me to go (I know, sad). Hayryde (yes, I wanted to spell it that way) down n' then we all get off and walk up this hill. Uneven ground. Dark. Random people in woods with scary masks, ruslting noises, and chainsaws. Walk down hill. Uneven ground. Dark. Random people in woods with scary masks, ruslting noises, and chainsaws.
We decided they have to have great Liabilty.
Hayryde through the actual PowderTown. Last year, apparently, you walked through PowderTown which sounds so much better than just ryding through it. Which did kinda suck. Strobe lyts (what? I'm having fun with 'y's) which made the trees seem like they were moving. Random guys in buildings with chainsaws.
Then fyrworks! Which was spiffy.
Then it was over.
Then upon dryving out of K-Town we saw the BowlingAlley and Julie was like, "We need to create a bowling league!"
"But what shall we be called?" Me.
"...Bitches! Somethin' with Bitches!" Ashley.
"Supernatural Bitches?" Coz dude, Julie and I LOVE SPN and Dean says Bitch all the time!
"But I don't like it as much as you and Julie."
"This is true."
Later on we decided that we were going to go to Julie's and watch some SPN.
Upon the way to her house, I saw an 'Adopt a Hyway' sign. And below it is a sign that says who adopted it.
"Our bowling league should adopt a hyway."
"I know! Theivin' Bitches!"
"We still pins!" Julie
"And bowling shoes!" Me
"Magizines!" Ashley.
Later at Julie's house the DVD starts with one of those "Piracy is stealing. Don't pirate DVDs"which I always love these commercails on pirated DVDs and Julie's like, "That's what I steal. DVDs! We could have nicknames. I'm Pirate."
"What are our names?"
"What do you steal?"
"You can be book worm?"
"What about me?" Me
"Well, what do you steal?"
"Green Scratchy Pads from work"
So I don't have a name. :'(
15 to 12 and we stealthly go to Dan's and put up the other four signs and lots of the flyers. We Obama'd him! I mean, 3 flyers on his mail box. 1 flyer on each bush, 1 flyer on each pumpkin and countless on his fence. More in other places.
We Obama'd his ass!
Julie then told me that the next day, she called her parents and Dan was there and he yelled, "Fine! I'll vote for Obama!"
To which she was like, "How'd he know?!" Our defense was, "I didn't do it! I was… I wasn't…I was dead at the time! I was on the Moon! With Steve!"
Then she Obama'd him again!
And he has threatened to steal Walter, her GuineaPig.
And I know you've got 'em. But here are the questions and their answers! (ooh, idea. If anyone has a question fer me, ask it and I'll answer it in my next post. M'kay?)
Until Next Time
Last Friday I went out with Julie and Ashley. Like I do.
First off we had to go around and put Obama door flyers on people's doors. We had to do this because we were obligated to do so.
Should I explain?
Julie's brother is very MCCAIN and so Ashley got five Obama yard signs and 75 flyers. The only way she could get those is if she agreed to put the flyers on some people's doors.
So Julie and Ashley put them on the doors and I handed out the flyers. This one time though, I was laughing really hard.
Julie came back first and was like, "Why are you dying? You're dying of laughter, why?!"
I couldn't tell her, I was laughing too much.
Ashley came in, "What's going on?"
"She's dying of laughter!"
By now I could speak.
"I just imagined us doing with with McCain Masks."
This got them to laugh as well.
Well, while we were flyer'ing people's houses we saw Dan (the brother) out walkin' the dogs.
So we stealthly snuck to his place and placed one sign in his lawn.
Then we finished flyer'ing houses.
Then we went to K-Town to go to PowderTown. As we drove by Dan's we saw that the sign was gone!
The haunted house wasn't bad at all. A few hidden doors, but no dark passage ways. Not bad at all. I think. Though Julie always pauses before she walks into the area with the hanging dead bodies. But this time no one threw them at us. So that's a plus?
PowderTown? Kinda sucked. I think. First year for me to go (I know, sad). Hayryde (yes, I wanted to spell it that way) down n' then we all get off and walk up this hill. Uneven ground. Dark. Random people in woods with scary masks, ruslting noises, and chainsaws. Walk down hill. Uneven ground. Dark. Random people in woods with scary masks, ruslting noises, and chainsaws.
We decided they have to have great Liabilty.
Hayryde through the actual PowderTown. Last year, apparently, you walked through PowderTown which sounds so much better than just ryding through it. Which did kinda suck. Strobe lyts (what? I'm having fun with 'y's) which made the trees seem like they were moving. Random guys in buildings with chainsaws.
Then fyrworks! Which was spiffy.
Then it was over.
Then upon dryving out of K-Town we saw the BowlingAlley and Julie was like, "We need to create a bowling league!"
"But what shall we be called?" Me.
"...Bitches! Somethin' with Bitches!" Ashley.
"Supernatural Bitches?" Coz dude, Julie and I LOVE SPN and Dean says Bitch all the time!
"But I don't like it as much as you and Julie."
"This is true."
Later on we decided that we were going to go to Julie's and watch some SPN.
Upon the way to her house, I saw an 'Adopt a Hyway' sign. And below it is a sign that says who adopted it.
"Our bowling league should adopt a hyway."
"I know! Theivin' Bitches!"
"We still pins!" Julie
"And bowling shoes!" Me
"Magizines!" Ashley.
Later at Julie's house the DVD starts with one of those "Piracy is stealing. Don't pirate DVDs"
"What are our names?"
"What do you steal?"
"You can be book worm?"
"What about me?" Me
"Well, what do you steal?"
"Green Scratchy Pads from work"
So I don't have a name. :'(
15 to 12 and we stealthly go to Dan's and put up the other four signs and lots of the flyers. We Obama'd him! I mean, 3 flyers on his mail box. 1 flyer on each bush, 1 flyer on each pumpkin and countless on his fence. More in other places.
We Obama'd his ass!
Julie then told me that the next day, she called her parents and Dan was there and he yelled, "Fine! I'll vote for Obama!"
To which she was like, "How'd he know?!" Our defense was, "I didn't do it! I was… I wasn't…I was dead at the time! I was on the Moon! With Steve!"
Then she Obama'd him again!
And he has threatened to steal Walter, her GuineaPig.
And I know you've got 'em. But here are the questions and their answers! (ooh, idea. If anyone has a question fer me, ask it and I'll answer it in my next post. M'kay?)
Until Next Time
hidden quotes,
video killed the radio store,
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