Captain's Log
Second Entry
Ship Class: 4852656
Turns out we had a stow-away. Little girl - she's seven and an orphan as it turns out. Gave her a room. Rose doesn't talk much and has a small stuffed rabbit toy she carries around with her.
It also turns out that Franz - the dog walker brought some rare food with him and shared with us. Kind of him to do so and not hog it all to himself.
We've had a rather calm ride so far. Though I doubt it will stay that way, we do have a long one ahead of us.
In other, very unrelated, news: I had a strange dream last night. My Mam was crying, and had been for some time as I could see the tracks in her face and Da was in the background which was all red. Strange dream isn't it?
Captain Out
Until Next Time
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Pen Blew Up And Now Ink Has Taken Over The Tri-State Area
Captain's Log
First Entry
Ship Class: 4852656
Setting out with a small crew and a few passengers.
The passengers include a doctor, a dog walker, a musican, and a logo designer.
Even though one of the passengers was a doctor, I still hired one. Never can have too many of those folk, can you?
Nothing much else to mention in this first entry. Which is rather ideal, I'd think. The less to comment on the better. Hope it'll stay this way.
Captain Out
Until Next Time
First Entry
Ship Class: 4852656
Setting out with a small crew and a few passengers.
The passengers include a doctor, a dog walker, a musican, and a logo designer.
Even though one of the passengers was a doctor, I still hired one. Never can have too many of those folk, can you?
Nothing much else to mention in this first entry. Which is rather ideal, I'd think. The less to comment on the better. Hope it'll stay this way.
Captain Out
Until Next Time
Monday, March 23, 2009
Spider Babies! They're Like Spiders, But With A Mind Of A Baby!
I am an -ish.
Apparently anyway.
Jenni (moi sister) was talking to Randy (her fiance) on the phone and she said that she was spending time with "Sara-ish." then a few moments later she looked at me and said, "Yes, Sara, you are an -ish." I then said, "Yay! I've always wanted to be an -ish."
Because, after all, the "-ish" is a very interesting thing, no?
What is the time?
Oh, it's one-ish.
What color is that?
Oh, it's blue-ish.
What do you think of my jumper?
Oh, it's nice-ish.
What does that taste like?
Oh, it's lemon-ish and lime-ish.
Well, what type of person are they?
Oh, they're smart-ish.
Wikitonary on "ish"
Ish, it's a book!
Ish Monroe Bassmaster Elite Professional Bass Angler
Until Next Time
Apparently anyway.
Jenni (moi sister) was talking to Randy (her fiance) on the phone and she said that she was spending time with "Sara-ish." then a few moments later she looked at me and said, "Yes, Sara, you are an -ish." I then said, "Yay! I've always wanted to be an -ish."
Because, after all, the "-ish" is a very interesting thing, no?
What is the time?
Oh, it's one-ish.
What color is that?
Oh, it's blue-ish.
What do you think of my jumper?
Oh, it's nice-ish.
What does that taste like?
Oh, it's lemon-ish and lime-ish.
Well, what type of person are they?
Oh, they're smart-ish.
Wikitonary on "ish"
Ish, it's a book!
Ish Monroe Bassmaster Elite Professional Bass Angler
Until Next Time
Friday, March 20, 2009
My Stairs Are All Slippery Like Slime The Color Of Teal And Peacocks.
Morgan wrote a haiku that I love.
Coz it's genuis.
I shall share it.
Toasting your brother
Over a glass of champagne
Is better than fire
Tell me, is that just not awesome? It is, awesome. I know.
Until Next Time
Coz it's genuis.
I shall share it.
Toasting your brother
Over a glass of champagne
Is better than fire
Tell me, is that just not awesome? It is, awesome. I know.
Until Next Time
"My Bikes Got A Bell."
Spoilers below for the Doctor Who episode 'The Last of the Time Lords'
Spoilers below for the Supernatural episode 'On the Head of A Pin'
Few points.
First off, for the Doctor Who episode...
Right. So.
One, Captain Jack Harkness, has been held captive for a year.
He is dirty.
Like she should be, yes? Yes.
(Just wanna say, I'm listening to Lost Souls the radio show for Torchwood, and it is love (and epic!))
He's been tortured and killed only he or the Master would know how much.
Yet. Yet!
He's got a nice hair cut and is clean shaven.
See for yerself.
(Click on the picture if you want to see it bigger)

Now, fer the Supernatural episode...
Right. Loved it. Freakin' LOVED it.
Full of Castiel goodness. And Dean goodness.
Not to mention the awful Alastair is dead (ta Sammy) so we don't have to hear anymore bad impressions of Marlin Brando/Christopher Walken.
Uriel is dead!
But Anna showed up *grumbles*
But what really bothers me are a few things they mentioned.
Such as Papa Winchester was on the Rack the whole time. Yes?
So, at the end of season two, how did he escape?
Hm. I wonder? And did Alastair just let him escape? Ala must have been on a pee break.
Dean was the first seal? And that's a big deal? Couldn't the first seal have been something else? I mean, surely they were trying to break more than one seal at a time. Yes?
And what is that? "For the first Seal you must break a Winchester (not the gun)." I doubt it.
Rightous man though? Okay, I can buy that.
But. Wait just a second!
Cas said (Dean called him Cas so much in that episode, but so did Anna and that was freakin' awful, why did Anna have to call him Cas?) that as soon as they found out hell had Dean 'they' (who is 'they'? I'm under the impression that Cas is the one who did this...) stormed into hell (why don't they do this more often? Can't be that hard, right? Sounds like it wasn't. Sounds like they weren't hurt when they stormed in, right? Weird.) and went to save Dean before he broke. But they were too late.
Alright. I can belive 'they' did that.
But why didn't they do that with Dad? I mean, what? Why just Dean? Dad could have been the first seal, but he never broke, right?
So, wait. WTF?
Does that make sense?
Doesn't to me.
But did'ya see all the wonderful Castiel/Dean-ness?
Also, Sammy's become a new brand of vampire. Yeah?
What is that boy thinking? 'Hmm. I've always had this hunger. Now I know that I've been craving blood. But not just blood. Demon blood. And Look'it! I've got special Powers now! A Plus!'
All in all, great episode. I mean, Epic Episode (or does that work for Epicode? I totally just put those words together. Go me!)
Until Next Time
Spoilers below for the Doctor Who episode 'The Last of the Time Lords'
Spoilers below for the Supernatural episode 'On the Head of A Pin'
Few points.
First off, for the Doctor Who episode...
Right. So.
One, Captain Jack Harkness, has been held captive for a year.
He is dirty.
Like she should be, yes? Yes.
(Just wanna say, I'm listening to Lost Souls the radio show for Torchwood, and it is love (and epic!))
He's been tortured and killed only he or the Master would know how much.
Yet. Yet!
He's got a nice hair cut and is clean shaven.
See for yerself.
(Click on the picture if you want to see it bigger)

Now, fer the Supernatural episode...
Right. Loved it. Freakin' LOVED it.
Full of Castiel goodness. And Dean goodness.
Not to mention the awful Alastair is dead (ta Sammy) so we don't have to hear anymore bad impressions of Marlin Brando/Christopher Walken.
Uriel is dead!
But Anna showed up *grumbles*
But what really bothers me are a few things they mentioned.
Such as Papa Winchester was on the Rack the whole time. Yes?
So, at the end of season two, how did he escape?
Hm. I wonder? And did Alastair just let him escape? Ala must have been on a pee break.
Dean was the first seal? And that's a big deal? Couldn't the first seal have been something else? I mean, surely they were trying to break more than one seal at a time. Yes?
And what is that? "For the first Seal you must break a Winchester (not the gun)." I doubt it.
Rightous man though? Okay, I can buy that.
But. Wait just a second!
Cas said (Dean called him Cas so much in that episode, but so did Anna and that was freakin' awful, why did Anna have to call him Cas?) that as soon as they found out hell had Dean 'they' (who is 'they'? I'm under the impression that Cas is the one who did this...) stormed into hell (why don't they do this more often? Can't be that hard, right? Sounds like it wasn't. Sounds like they weren't hurt when they stormed in, right? Weird.) and went to save Dean before he broke. But they were too late.
Alright. I can belive 'they' did that.
But why didn't they do that with Dad? I mean, what? Why just Dean? Dad could have been the first seal, but he never broke, right?
So, wait. WTF?
Does that make sense?
Doesn't to me.
But did'ya see all the wonderful Castiel/Dean-ness?
Also, Sammy's become a new brand of vampire. Yeah?
What is that boy thinking? 'Hmm. I've always had this hunger. Now I know that I've been craving blood. But not just blood. Demon blood. And Look'it! I've got special Powers now! A Plus!'
All in all, great episode. I mean, Epic Episode (or does that work for Epicode? I totally just put those words together. Go me!)
Until Next Time
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Dun, Da-Da-Da (Rinse & Repeat)
I feel like quotes. Quotes are nifty little things. And as I'm feeling quote-y I'm gonna share with y'all all the quotes that I have saved on my computer! w00t (you should feel privolaged (and yes, I know that's not how you spell that but I can't find myself to care))! So, if behind the quote it doesn't say who says it, don't ask me who said it. I have no idea. Look it up. Google is spiffy in that area.
Tomorrow Is just a future Yesterday.
Tomorrow is just a day away.
"I do not mean to upset people, but I have to speak my mind because what is in my mind is always more interesting than what is happening in the world outside my mind."
"All men would be cowards if they only had the courage."
"That is what I envy in you stage people. You make time seem so important. "I must change my clothes now!" "I must make my entrance now!" But life is not a succession of urgent "now's". It is a listless trickle of "Why should I's?""
"While It's Impossible To Halt The Progress Of Time, You Would Do Well To Show Some Respect For What's Been Lost." - Vampire Hunter D: Raiser of the Gales
You know you're obsessed with Full Metal Alchemist when you draw a transmutation circle, clap your hands together, and expect something to happen. - Me
"The Muffin Man Does Slashy Things With The Pillsbury Dough Boy." - Me
"Can't We Just Leave The Dream As A Dream? It's Horrifying, So It Must Be Destroyed. It's Beautiful, So It Must Be Destroyed. It Doesn't Want To Be Destroyed, So It Must Be Destroyed. At This Rate, What Will Humanity Leave Behind?" -Vampire Hunter D: The Stuff Of Dreams
"Where Better To Seek Death Or Transformation Than In The Mist Of A Rebellion?"
-Valentine Wolfe; Deathstalker Saga
"Who Is More Foolish? The Man Who Lives A Lie, Or Those Who Believe It?"
-Deathstalker Saga
"I Am Nobody, Treat Me As A Solar Myth, Or An Echo, Or An Irrational Quantity; Or Ignore Me Altogether."
"Freedom Is The Biggest Myth Ever Created. It's A Destructive, Unachievable Goad That Has Caused A Great Deal Of Pain. Very Few People Can Handle Freedom. A Society Is Healthy And Productive When It's Under Control."
-Boone; The Traveler
"I have to believe in a world outside my own mind. I have to believe that my actions still have meaning, even if I can't remember them. I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world's still there. Do I believe the world's still there? Is it still out there?... Yeah. We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. I'm no different." - Leonard Shelby (Guy Pearce), Memento
Always Smile. It Makes People Wonder What You're Up To.
If At First You Don't Succeed - Try To Hide Your Astonishment.
Before They Invented Drawing Boards, What Did They Go Back To?
Be Nice To People. They Outnumber You 5.5 Billion To One.
Two Things Are Infinite: The Universe And Human Stupidity; And I'm Not So Sure About The Universe.
Christmas Is Weird. What Other Time Of The Year Do You Sit In Front Of A Dead Tree And Eat Candy Out Of Your Socks?
Don't Be Afraid To Try Something New. An Amateur Built The Ark. Professionals Built The Titanic.
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction, Because Fiction Has To Make Sense.
The Only Thing People Do Better Than Anyone Else Is Read Their Own Handwriting.
Nothing Says "Oops" Like A Wall Of Flame.
You Will Do Foolish Things, But Do Them With Enthusiasm.
Anyone Who Doesn't Make Mistakes Isn't Trying Enough.
None Is As Smart As All Of Us.
I Always Prefer To Believe The Best Of Everybody; It Saves So Much Time.
There Is No Greater Delight Than To Be Conscious Of The Sincerity On Self-Examination
Sometimes Even To Live Is An Act Of Courage.
To Invent, You Need A Good Imagination And A Pile Of Junk.
For Every Complex Problem, There Is A Solution That Is Simple, Neat, And Wrong.
Let Us Not Look Back In Anger, Nor Forward In Fear, But Around in Awareness.
Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.
All books are either dreams or swords,
You can cut, or you can drug, with words.
A room without books is like a body without a soul.
A wonderful thing about a book, in contrast to a computer screen, is that you can take it to bed with you.
Death? Why this fuss about death. Use your imagination, try to visualize a world without death! ... Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil.
Today's subliminal thought is:
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
"Your Pathological Shallowness Is Going To Be Your Demise"
-Hayden; Dry
I live in a fictional world, make friends with fictional people. I say fictional words, and think fictional thoughts. But never do I eat fictional food. It all tastes like paper.
Whoever said nothing is impossible must've never tried to slam a revolving door.
"I wear a belt to hold up my jeans; I have belt loops to hold up my belt. It makes me wonder, what is going on down there? Who is the real hero?"
The latest survey says that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world's population.
The trouble with real life is that there's no background music.
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
I don't remember being absent-minded.
I have not lost my mind; It's backed up on a disk somewhere.
If mathematically you end up with the wrong answer, try multiplying by the page number.
A rose by any other name would likely be "deadly thorn-bearing assault vegetation."
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
What if this were not a hypothetical question?
Okay, I'm weird! But I'm saving up to become eccentric.
Never say, "Oops!"; always say, "Ah, interesting!"
When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you put your two cents in, what happens the other penny?
Beware the letter "G". It is the end of everything.
I visit reality, although it's on a tourist visa.
A sphere is a really pointless shape.
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
A positive attitude may solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
In dog years, I'm dead.
If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the molecular level I'm really quiet busy.
All you need is trust and little bit of pixie dust!
--Peter Pan (J.M. Barrie)
Hope is the most exciting thing there is in life.
Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from.
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
-Zig Ziglar
Leadership has been defined as the ability to hide your panic from others.
Reality bites with a variety of sizes of teeth.
-Tony Follari
Fashion is form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.
-Oscar Wilde
Time Passes By, But Persistent Demons Still Clutch On To Me.
Damn, My Cactus Died. I Am Less Nurturing Than A Desert.
I Was Curious, And Since I'm Not A Cat That's Not Dangerous.
The Tooth Fairy Teaches Children They Can Sell Their Body Parts For Money.
One Morning I Shot An Elephant In My Pajamas. How He Got Into My Pajamas, I'll Never Know.
I Never Got A Hole-In-One. But I Did Hit A Guy. That's Way More Satisfying.
It's Okay Pluto, I'm Not A Planet Either.
Okay, I Understand That Scissors Can Beat Paper And I Get How Rock Can Beat Scissors But There's No Way That Paper Can Beat Rock! Paper Is Supposed To Magically "Wrap Around" Rock Leaving It Immobile? Then, Why The Hell Can't Paper Do This With Scissors? In Fact, Screw Scissors! Why Can't Paper Do This To People? Why Aren't Sheets Of College-Ruled Notebook Paper Constantly Suffocating Students As They Attempt To Take Notes In Class? I'll Tell You Why! It's Because Paper Can't Beat Anybody! A Rock Would Tear That Shit Up In About Two Seconds! When I Play "Rock, Paper, Scissors," I Always Choose Rock. Then, When Someone Claims They've Beaten Me With Their Paper I Punch Them In The Face With My Already Clenched Fist And Say Something Like . . . "Oh Shit. I'm Sorry. I Thought Paper Would Protect You." . . .
There's No "I" In "Team", But There Is An "I" In "Pie". And There's An "I" In "Meat Pie" And "Meat" Is An Anagram Of "Team". . .
-Shaun of the Dead
Procrastinators Unite! . . . Tomorrow . . .
I've Decided That After I Graduate, I'm Going To Be A Pirate.
"Due to financial constraints, the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice."
"I don't know what your problem is, but I bet it's hard to pronounce."
WARNING :The above post may contain sex, violence, drugs, sexual violence, violent sex, sexual drugs, violent drugs and violently sexual drugs
What if Zorro Was Dyslexic? - Morgan
"As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.." -Henry David Thoreau
Friends like you - that's what its' all about. I used to think it was the Hokey Pokey, but that's just crazy.
The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. - Ferdinand Foch
Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say "In this world, Elwood, you must be--" she always called me Elwood. "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh, so smart. . .or oh, so pleasant". Well for years, I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you may quote me.
-Elwood P. Dowd
James Stuart in Harvey
Eric Kripke has said, "..create characters you love, and then torture them!"
I was thinking about how a status symbol of today is those cell phones that everyone has clipped onto their belt or purse. I can't afford one. So, I'm wearing my garage door opener.
"I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde
"You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take. - Wayne Gretzky
"History is merely a list of surprises. It can only prepare us to be surprised yet again."
Junk Is Something You've Kept For Years And Throw Away Three Weeks Before you Need It.
Until Next Time
Tomorrow Is just a future Yesterday.
Tomorrow is just a day away.
"I do not mean to upset people, but I have to speak my mind because what is in my mind is always more interesting than what is happening in the world outside my mind."
"All men would be cowards if they only had the courage."
"That is what I envy in you stage people. You make time seem so important. "I must change my clothes now!" "I must make my entrance now!" But life is not a succession of urgent "now's". It is a listless trickle of "Why should I's?""
"While It's Impossible To Halt The Progress Of Time, You Would Do Well To Show Some Respect For What's Been Lost." - Vampire Hunter D: Raiser of the Gales
You know you're obsessed with Full Metal Alchemist when you draw a transmutation circle, clap your hands together, and expect something to happen. - Me
"The Muffin Man Does Slashy Things With The Pillsbury Dough Boy." - Me
"Can't We Just Leave The Dream As A Dream? It's Horrifying, So It Must Be Destroyed. It's Beautiful, So It Must Be Destroyed. It Doesn't Want To Be Destroyed, So It Must Be Destroyed. At This Rate, What Will Humanity Leave Behind?" -Vampire Hunter D: The Stuff Of Dreams
"Where Better To Seek Death Or Transformation Than In The Mist Of A Rebellion?"
-Valentine Wolfe; Deathstalker Saga
"Who Is More Foolish? The Man Who Lives A Lie, Or Those Who Believe It?"
-Deathstalker Saga
"I Am Nobody, Treat Me As A Solar Myth, Or An Echo, Or An Irrational Quantity; Or Ignore Me Altogether."
"Freedom Is The Biggest Myth Ever Created. It's A Destructive, Unachievable Goad That Has Caused A Great Deal Of Pain. Very Few People Can Handle Freedom. A Society Is Healthy And Productive When It's Under Control."
-Boone; The Traveler
"I have to believe in a world outside my own mind. I have to believe that my actions still have meaning, even if I can't remember them. I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world's still there. Do I believe the world's still there? Is it still out there?... Yeah. We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. I'm no different." - Leonard Shelby (Guy Pearce), Memento
Always Smile. It Makes People Wonder What You're Up To.
If At First You Don't Succeed - Try To Hide Your Astonishment.
Before They Invented Drawing Boards, What Did They Go Back To?
Be Nice To People. They Outnumber You 5.5 Billion To One.
Two Things Are Infinite: The Universe And Human Stupidity; And I'm Not So Sure About The Universe.
Christmas Is Weird. What Other Time Of The Year Do You Sit In Front Of A Dead Tree And Eat Candy Out Of Your Socks?
Don't Be Afraid To Try Something New. An Amateur Built The Ark. Professionals Built The Titanic.
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction, Because Fiction Has To Make Sense.
The Only Thing People Do Better Than Anyone Else Is Read Their Own Handwriting.
Nothing Says "Oops" Like A Wall Of Flame.
You Will Do Foolish Things, But Do Them With Enthusiasm.
Anyone Who Doesn't Make Mistakes Isn't Trying Enough.
None Is As Smart As All Of Us.
I Always Prefer To Believe The Best Of Everybody; It Saves So Much Time.
There Is No Greater Delight Than To Be Conscious Of The Sincerity On Self-Examination
Sometimes Even To Live Is An Act Of Courage.
To Invent, You Need A Good Imagination And A Pile Of Junk.
For Every Complex Problem, There Is A Solution That Is Simple, Neat, And Wrong.
Let Us Not Look Back In Anger, Nor Forward In Fear, But Around in Awareness.
Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.
All books are either dreams or swords,
You can cut, or you can drug, with words.
A room without books is like a body without a soul.
A wonderful thing about a book, in contrast to a computer screen, is that you can take it to bed with you.
Death? Why this fuss about death. Use your imagination, try to visualize a world without death! ... Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil.
Today's subliminal thought is:
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
"Your Pathological Shallowness Is Going To Be Your Demise"
-Hayden; Dry
I live in a fictional world, make friends with fictional people. I say fictional words, and think fictional thoughts. But never do I eat fictional food. It all tastes like paper.
Whoever said nothing is impossible must've never tried to slam a revolving door.
"I wear a belt to hold up my jeans; I have belt loops to hold up my belt. It makes me wonder, what is going on down there? Who is the real hero?"
The latest survey says that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world's population.
The trouble with real life is that there's no background music.
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
I don't remember being absent-minded.
I have not lost my mind; It's backed up on a disk somewhere.
If mathematically you end up with the wrong answer, try multiplying by the page number.
A rose by any other name would likely be "deadly thorn-bearing assault vegetation."
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
What if this were not a hypothetical question?
Okay, I'm weird! But I'm saving up to become eccentric.
Never say, "Oops!"; always say, "Ah, interesting!"
When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you put your two cents in, what happens the other penny?
Beware the letter "G". It is the end of everything.
I visit reality, although it's on a tourist visa.
A sphere is a really pointless shape.
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
A positive attitude may solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
In dog years, I'm dead.
If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the molecular level I'm really quiet busy.
All you need is trust and little bit of pixie dust!
--Peter Pan (J.M. Barrie)
Hope is the most exciting thing there is in life.
Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from.
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
-Zig Ziglar
Leadership has been defined as the ability to hide your panic from others.
Reality bites with a variety of sizes of teeth.
-Tony Follari
Fashion is form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.
-Oscar Wilde
Time Passes By, But Persistent Demons Still Clutch On To Me.
Damn, My Cactus Died. I Am Less Nurturing Than A Desert.
I Was Curious, And Since I'm Not A Cat That's Not Dangerous.
The Tooth Fairy Teaches Children They Can Sell Their Body Parts For Money.
One Morning I Shot An Elephant In My Pajamas. How He Got Into My Pajamas, I'll Never Know.
I Never Got A Hole-In-One. But I Did Hit A Guy. That's Way More Satisfying.
It's Okay Pluto, I'm Not A Planet Either.
Okay, I Understand That Scissors Can Beat Paper And I Get How Rock Can Beat Scissors But There's No Way That Paper Can Beat Rock! Paper Is Supposed To Magically "Wrap Around" Rock Leaving It Immobile? Then, Why The Hell Can't Paper Do This With Scissors? In Fact, Screw Scissors! Why Can't Paper Do This To People? Why Aren't Sheets Of College-Ruled Notebook Paper Constantly Suffocating Students As They Attempt To Take Notes In Class? I'll Tell You Why! It's Because Paper Can't Beat Anybody! A Rock Would Tear That Shit Up In About Two Seconds! When I Play "Rock, Paper, Scissors," I Always Choose Rock. Then, When Someone Claims They've Beaten Me With Their Paper I Punch Them In The Face With My Already Clenched Fist And Say Something Like . . . "Oh Shit. I'm Sorry. I Thought Paper Would Protect You." . . .
There's No "I" In "Team", But There Is An "I" In "Pie". And There's An "I" In "Meat Pie" And "Meat" Is An Anagram Of "Team". . .
-Shaun of the Dead
Procrastinators Unite! . . . Tomorrow . . .
I've Decided That After I Graduate, I'm Going To Be A Pirate.
"Due to financial constraints, the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice."
"I don't know what your problem is, but I bet it's hard to pronounce."
WARNING :The above post may contain sex, violence, drugs, sexual violence, violent sex, sexual drugs, violent drugs and violently sexual drugs
What if Zorro Was Dyslexic? - Morgan
"As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.." -Henry David Thoreau
Friends like you - that's what its' all about. I used to think it was the Hokey Pokey, but that's just crazy.
The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. - Ferdinand Foch
Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say "In this world, Elwood, you must be--" she always called me Elwood. "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh, so smart. . .or oh, so pleasant". Well for years, I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you may quote me.
-Elwood P. Dowd
James Stuart in Harvey
Eric Kripke has said, "..create characters you love, and then torture them!"
I was thinking about how a status symbol of today is those cell phones that everyone has clipped onto their belt or purse. I can't afford one. So, I'm wearing my garage door opener.
"I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde
"You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take. - Wayne Gretzky
"History is merely a list of surprises. It can only prepare us to be surprised yet again."
Junk Is Something You've Kept For Years And Throw Away Three Weeks Before you Need It.
Until Next Time
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Sharks Open Fish And Call Them Bambi Until They Put A Hat With A Feather On The Fish, Then They're Yankee's
Yesterday mom woke me up by jumping on me and going "Happy Square Root Day!"
"Happy Square Root Day!"
"Wha'd'ya mean?"
"It's the thrid month, third day in 09."
"That doesn't happen again until 4.4.16."
Other news, computer is down for a bit. Virus crap. Mom's takin' it to be fixed.
Also, got my hair cut on Square Root Day.
And I've sprained my ankle (again) on Square Root Day.
Until Next Time
Yesterday mom woke me up by jumping on me and going "Happy Square Root Day!"
"Happy Square Root Day!"
"Wha'd'ya mean?"
"It's the thrid month, third day in 09."
"That doesn't happen again until 4.4.16."
Other news, computer is down for a bit. Virus crap. Mom's takin' it to be fixed.
Also, got my hair cut on Square Root Day.
And I've sprained my ankle (again) on Square Root Day.
Until Next Time
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