Letting an imagination run free is the only way to live. Or so I'm lead to believe. So I'm letting my imagination do it's bidding. Take it or leave it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Scarves and Singing
If you haven't watched A Very Potter Musical you need to. Also, I bring you AVPM/DW and HP/DW cross-over Macros!
Pretend is not my real name. Kinda wish it was though. That'd be pretty awesome. Yeah? So, about me? Well. I'm and American girl (not of the American Girl books, dolls, clothes, movies and other stuff - but a girl who happens to also be American). And I like top hats. They're spiffy. As well as pineapple and yogurt. And chloroform! That stuff rocks. Books are nifty as well. I do not like cake. The band is great but I don't like the food. Not a fan of chips or m&ms either. I know. Weird yeah? I've got a shitload of allergies. Fun stuff. Ask me and I'll tell ya 'bout it sometime. I live in a famous house. Not as much fun as you might think. Though I do love living here. And hopefulally I'll be able to move out with a friend soon and then we'll get a Pomeranian. Though it'll be her dog. Not mine. Heh. Did'ja know they come in all different sizes? Like a small, medium, large, supersize it! So. My eye itches right now. I blame ze allergies.
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