Secondly, any pictures you see, you may click on to see larger if you so wish. Oh yes!
Okay, so every fall the small town I live in has a weekend fest called 'Apple Daze'. And every year there is a scarecrow contest. Well, this was the first year I lived with two of my best friends in said town. About a week before the fest we decide we want to join in. In a Doctor Who Theme. We knew that we'd have to use apples in there somewhere and have a scarecrow. There would be a first, second, and honary mention ribbons. Having decided to do it last minute we quick made sure we could still sign up: we could.
We also found out that other than the apple theme (and a sign), every year they have a second theme. Last years? Sports.
We decided to do it anyway.
So, my one housemate, Ashley (who will be in most of the pictures) and I went to Town. To get our supplies. Luckily Halloween stuff was just starting to be put out so we went to the wigs. For our Doctor needed hair (as we were doing Ten). Only none of the wigs worked. Wrong type of hair, wrong shade, something wrong.
So we bought a little girl's Dorthy (of Oz) wig and thought: we'll cut it!
Other supplies from Walmart: blue duct tape, blue spray paint.
From there we looked at Salvation Army.
We looked all around the men's clothes and could find nothing. I mean, nothing that looked right. We found a few things that look okay in a pinch but were a 2X...
Fine, look in the women.
We found it. A shirt and pants. Perfect. And look, ties! OMFG I LOVE TIES.
We bought the Doctor a red one and I bought two.
We went to a few other places as well, looking for shoes, but in vain. We could not find red converse. :(
So, home. To work on it.
First, cut up the wig.
So, here's Ashley trying on the wig for us.
Beautiful, no?
Next we built our TARDIS.
Now, earlier in the year we moved into this house and so all the boxes were stored in my garage (well, we've got two - when we moved in there was one and a workshop thingy, my dad changed that workshop into a garage, my garage) and so we'd just use them.
Start out with the biggest box we have. Then uh.
Then what?
We had no idea.
How the hell are we going to do this?
Uh, what if we broke the boxes down and taped them together?
Ashley taping the inside of the boxes together. it was tough work, y'know.
Next, spray paint!
Can I just say that we were so glad we thought ahead and bought blue duct tape?
Julie spray painting!
One side done!
Julie and Shelby (Ashley's sister) spray paintin'!
We live next to a highway, right beside the four way (notice, THE four way, gettin' the idea on how small this town is?) and we watched the people drive by and stare going: WTF? Big Blue Box!
Note: we're in America. In the Midwest. Not many know Who. :(
We took the TARDIS inside and added white paint and windows.
Alas, I was at work during the building of the scarecrow, so I have pictures of doing it.
But during this time we were busy trying to think of what sport to have in our display.
Uh, doubt anyone will have bowling! Yeah! Let's go with that!
(though we talked about having Ood and in their hands is a baseball/tennisball/whathaveyou)
So, we borrowed Ashley's dad's bowling ball and made a sign.
Finished and in the yard!
Sadly, it was windy that day and the TARDIS liked to blow over. :(
The Doctor.
The Doctor and TARDIS at angle.
So, we were happy with it. We put a lot of work into it. We needed AT LEAST honorable mention. Yes?
Apparently not.
We got nothin'.
Though a few people did recongize the TARDIS and or Doctor! Which was awesome!
Right now the TARDIS is in our black and white room (black and white floor, white walls, kick ass black fan, and a black table with my fanfiction decopauged on the top, very spiffy) and inside of it is our board games (yes, our parties are those of legal age drinking and playing board games).
The Doctor, or David as we call him, is standing in our back porch (the one we use).
But now I feel kinda bad.
I put pictures of my friends on the interwebs and none of me.
Might I add that I really rather dislike pictures of me so there aren't many to choose from?

Laughing at my sister's.

Also at sister's (same nite, like woah) and it's pose!fail...
Me in a library. My cousin took this one.
Me at my parents, this is the Wall of Crosses my mom and I did. Yes. Cousin took this one as well.
1 comment:
It was totally mad driving my and seeing that Tardis blown over with David just sitting there all awesome and stuff. Insane.
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