(click on the picture if you want to see it larger)

Misha Collins can pour yogurt on himself and still look amazing.

He has some white wings.

He can wear a tie and look good.

He has a lovely smile.

Misha Collins can get away with wearing this shirt.

He looks awesome next to his shadow.

He has a very good serious look.

Misha Collins can get away with wearing a pink apron and a crown.

He can look over his shoulder in a Ghost Hunters Intro/Zoolander style.

He can have long hair.

Misha can look good with a fake moustache.

He can have some awesomely crazy hair.

Misha has got a Castiel Teddy.

He looks awesome after winning a fight.

Misha has got some shadow black wings.
Until Next Time
Haha. What's with the fake mustache?
Love the pictures!<3 xD
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