His name isn't really Captain Jack Harkness.
He took it from the real Captain Jack Harkness.
His father's name is 'Franklin'.
His mother's name is not known.
His brother's name is 'Gray'.
Julie and I think that his parents named their kids after a color.
(See: 'Gray')
Therefore, Jack's real name?
Is ...
*dramatic pause*
*drum roll*
*another yet longer dramatic pause*
... 'Chartreuse'.
And his name shall be 'Chartreuse' until we are told otherwise.
Though this is pre-'The Face Of Boe'/'Boe'
(or after if you're thinking back to when the Time Agency called him 'The Face Of Boe'.
But we consider 'The Face Of Boe'/'Boe' to be the huge fuckoff head in a jar - not the first Time Agent called 'The Face Of Boe').
What say you?
Do you agree?
His name is 'Chartreuse'?
Because it is.
No denying it.
It is true.
It is fact.
He is 'Chartreuse'.
(Click on the picture if you want to see it bigger)
Y'think it's true?
Until Next Time.
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