I've added a bit to a scene in the episode 'Meat' of Torchwood.
"Why her[Gwen]? Of allt he women you could have chosen?" Rhys [Gwen's at the time fiancée]
"She chose us. Kind of stumbled upon us." Jack
"So did I, donbut you'll be asking me to join."
"We needed someone with police skills."
"Could have chose anyone. Did you ever think about us? You know me, her parents, people who love her? Who want her safe?"
"No. I'm sorry. We needed her. On her first day of work, she told me off for being too clinical."
"She doesn't hold back, mind."
"Stubborn as hell."
"Tell me about it. Yeah, she's an amazing girl. I'm a lucky man, Jack."
"Yeah, you said it."
"I just wish you were a bit uglier." both laugh "You're not gay by any chance are you?"
[end scene and enter what I've added]
"More omni really."
"But you needn't worry."
"What? You in a relationship with a tomato?"
"No. But his name rhymes."
"It's that
'-to' at the end. That's what makes it rhyme."
"You're in a relationship with the suit?"
"And waistcoat. We're both wearing waistcoats today. Being as this is a Gwen/Rhys episode, the costume designer thought 'must promote the other relationship in the show but do it subtly'."
"And he's got a tie."
"And when we first met, he was wearing a studded belt."
"I noticed he's got a whole in his ear. He wear studs?"
"Oh yeah." daydream slightly
"Y'know you're the first to realize this. Even when he one time forgot to take it out."
"I thought you lot were supposed to be perseptive."
"Sad isn't it?"
"Yeah." pause "So, I don't have to feel threatened with you an your relationship with Gwen?"
"Not at all."
"Do I have to feel threatened with you and Ianto?"
"Y'sure? You did notice his ear was peirced. No one has noticed that. You were looking at my man!"
"I wasn't!"
"Were too! He's mine!"
"Exactly! I don't even swing that way!"
"I know. I was just messing with ya."
"You bastard."
"I know."
... sorry. got a bit carried away.
Until Next Time