Orignal story time! Though, I have also made this into a fanfic for Supernatural. I perfer the orginal story, so that's the one I'm posting. Do enjoy.I felt a smile tug at my lips as I opened the door into the shop. The aroma hit my nose, causing my mouth to water. Licking my lips I ignored the bell that announced my presence. My whole body was aquiver from just the thought of what I was going to get. I nodded to the people nearest me, knowing they shared the same addiction as I had. And I needed my fix now. My mouth felt dry, thinking about how long it had been since I last had some. Hours. It had been hours. Or was it a day? Oh god, I hope it wasn't a day. I felt my smile grow wider as I got closer to the counter of shop. My body needed it, I knew my sister could tell. Whenever I hadn't had any in a while, I tended to get moody.
I noticed that my sister smiled as she went through the door. Despite the fact that she wasn't as addicted to the drink as I am, she still craved it. When she didn't get any she didn't really change. For her it was just something she enjoyed. She didn't need it. Though she could see how my body seemed to tremble with the need. Luckily we were in the store and I would get my fix soon. Thank god.
I walked up to the smooth counter surface and smiled to the girl across from me. Her reddish brown hair with natural blonde highlights was pulled back in a pony tail, her earrings just gold studs which accented her lightly tanned skin and ice blue eyes, "May I help you?"
Giving a crooked smile I replied, "I'd like some coffee."
She nodded, "What kind would you like?"
I blinked. What kind? "Uh. Coffee."
She rolled her eyes, "What kind of coffee do you want?"
The hell was she talking about? "I just want plain coffee."
"What?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Coffee, y'know. Uh. Comes from coffee beans. I kinda thought that you guys would sell it here ‘cause, y’know, this is a coffee shop." I was getting aggravated. Why were they hoarding all the coffee? I wanted his coffee. No, I
needed my coffee.
"Yeah, this is a coffee shop," she was starting to sound annoyed, "Now if you would only tell me what kind you want-"
"Coffee!" I said, wondering what the girl's problem was, "I just want some coffee!"
"I get that, but what kind?!" She was meeting my tone of voice, not backing down.
"I just want coffee! Plain coffee. Should be simple enough for you to get."
"I don't know what you're talking about," The girl sighed, "Just please, tell me what kind of coffee you want."
My sister choose this moment to put in her order, "Miss? I'd like white chocolate mocha frappuccino with non-fat milk and no whip."
The girl smiled, "That sounds easy enough. Be right up."
I gaped. What the hell just happened? And what the hell did she just order? I didn't hear the word 'coffee' at all. I turned towards my sister, staring at her. I shook my head, unable to wrap around the fact that this 'coffee shop' didn't sell coffee. That was false advertising.
The girl came back and handed my sister her concoction, then turned back to me, smile gone, "Have you decided what you want yet?"
"Yeah, I want coffee," I stated again.
She spoke with strain in her voice, "It's like I've been saying, if you'd only tell me what kind you want I can get you your coffee."
"I want coffee. Just coffee," I spoke slowly.
"What kind-"
"Can you get me your manager?" I suggested.
She smiled, probably glad to pawn the inane customer off, "Sure. Give me a sec."
My sister sipped her white chocolate mocha frappuccino with non-fat milk and no whip with a slight smirk. Shaking her head, she leaned against the counter, probably thinking it could be a while before I got what he wanted.
Before long a middle aged man came up. His hair a plain brown and needed a cut, eyes sunken in and dark against pale skin, "Ashley tells me that you have a problem. May I try my best to help you with it?"
"Want to know what my problem is? Ashley won't give me any coffee," I stated.
"I'll get you your coffee," the man smiled, "What kind would you like?"
I sighed, "Coffee. Just plain black coffee."
The man's smiled faded, "What?"
"God, you people don't sell coffee here do you?" I needed my coffee now, or I'd go nuts, "I want black coffee. That's it."
Swallowing, the man nodded, "I'm sure I can get some of that. What kind of black coffee do you want?"
"What?" My voice low.
"We've got Brazil ipanema, breakfast blend, Guatemala antigua, house blend, terraza blend, Arabian, sulawesi, and Italian roast. They are our most popular."
"Coffee. I want. Plain. Black. Regular. Coffee." I replied, I felt my fingers curl into fists at my sides.
Apparently my sister also noted my hands and decided she'd better get me out of there before something regrettable happened, "Hey," she put a hand on my shoulder, "how about we go to a restaurant and I get you your plain black regular coffee." She kept her voice light, not wanting to push me over the edge, after all, I got moody when I didn't have my coffee.
I nodded and turned my back on the man, "Why does this place call itself a coffee shop?" I muttered under my breath as I made my way out to the street, "All I wanted was a regular cup of joe."
EndUntil Next Time