First I want to tell you about all the TV shows that have impacted me this past year (or I think I watched them all this past year, who knows?).
Freakin' love this show. Dean is the best. And Castiel is awesome (He doesn't blink! His eyes pop right out of his head!). Bobby is awesome as well. And Sam and Dean act so much like brothers, it is amazing. The over all plots of each season is fantastic and each creature in every episode is wonderfully done. The main villians that keep coming back are genuienly kinda creepy. Some of the most memorable characters are Andy, Ava (why did she have to go evil?) The Yellow Eyed Demon/Ol' Yellow Eyes, Lillith (she is very creepy), Of course the Hell House boys (including the Gay Intern), any shape shifter. And I think they're doing really well this current season. I mean. "In the Begining"? "Monster Movie"? "Yellow Fever"? They all rock. Though I must say I am a Dean/Castiel shipper. Much better than Wincest.
Freakin' love this show. The combination of all the characters together? It is amazing. Shawn just bounces off the walls and Gus is there to real him back in. And then Shawn's not so stable relationship with his father? Really makes it interesting. And this show has shown me love for pineapples. Lassie is the best. I love him. I'm not sure, but he may be my favorite character. Don't quote me though. Coz Shawn rocks too. But Lassie is just awesome (like a hotdog). Vick is pretty awesome too. She can hold her own, and I like that. Jules is good. Though I am not a Shules shipper. Shassie all the way. The comedy is fantastic and well worth quoting and I find I still laugh, even though I've seen the episodes countless times.
Doctor Who
Series one didn't get me obsessed over it, not like Series two. I blame this on the most wonderful and only doctor ever: Ten. Or if you'd rather David freakin' Tennant. He is amazing. I love his Doctor. What can I really say about this show? It is so great and huge. So much happened (doesn't help that I just watched the Series Four last three episodes last night for the first time). Come on, the Master playing Sissor Sisters? Forever his song. Rose. I love Rose. She's my favorite I think. Then Donna. At first I didn't think I'd like Donna, but I do. Then Martha. Sarah Jane Smith kinda annoys me though. Anyway, the TARDIS is love. I wish I had one. The plots are so well done. And I love David Tennant.
Again, Series one didn't really make me obsessed over it. Series one was more like a filler for me. But then I really got into it. Not sure why. No idea. Well, I can't really say that. I was half way through Series one when I went to Julie's and we watched the first two episodes of Series Two. That made me go home and love the rest of series one. So, what set me off? I've no freakin' idea. But it's a fantastic show. And I hate that Tosh and Owen are dead. Why? Why would they do that do us? No one can replace them! But s'okay I guess. Coz Ianto is still there. I freakin' love him. He is amazing. And couldn't really kill Jack for two main reasons. One, he can't die (not until he's a huge head calling himself the Face of Boe and really, how the hell does he become a huge head?) and two, it's his spin off. As for Gwen? She annoys me. Why? Anime eyes towards Jack. Come on! You're married Gwen! And Jack is with Ianto! I hope that in Series three she has stopped her looks at him.
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog
Good show. I very much love it. Can't wait to get it on DVD. Because I will get it on DVD. You just wait and see. Joss Whedon has done it again for this show. Wonderfully done. Great music, great humor, and I really didn't see the ending coming. Though in hindsight I should have. Yeah? I really hope they do a sequel. It's been spoken of, so I'm not crazy here.
House, M.D.
I love House. He is awesome. So sarcastic and witty. Well play to him. I was distraught after Wilson left for a bit, but so happy that he came back. The medical mysteries keep me coming back, though House is what really keeps me coming back. He is just so scarastic and rude it is really fun to watch. Never knowing what he'll do next. For he has done a shit load of things, yeah?
Alright. I think that is about it for what struck me this past year. Or still struck me this year in some cases.
Onto part two of the blog post.
More Doctor Who and Torchwood quote Icons! Yayz.

Until Next Time